Dev:Ref/Outdated/Proposals/UI/Info Architecture/Shading/Lamps

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2018年6月29日 (金) 02:45時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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---+++Shading/Lamp buttons DRAFT WORK IN PROGRESS

1. Lamp datablock

  • lamp preview
  • lamp datablock name/menu

2. Settings

  • Quadratic, Sphere, Layer, Negative, No Diffuse, No Specular

3. Lighting

  • Energy, Color, attenuation, distance

4. Properties that vary per lamp type

  • (eg. area lamp) Size, Shape
  • (eg. Spot lamp) Spot Size, Square, Spot edge blur, halo, halo step

5. Shadows

  • Only Shadow
  • Buffer Shadows (buffer size, clip start/end, samples, bias, soft
  • Raytraced Shadows (Samples, Umbra, dither, noise)

6. Texture channels and mapping (consistent with materials version)

  • Texture Channel chooser
  • Texture datablock & copy/paste
  • Texture mapping coords (in a menu)
  • Object text field (when Object selected for mapping coords)
  • Offset and Scale

7. Map To (consistent with materials version)

  • Mapping Channels(Color)
  • Texture color swatch
  • Texture Color and Variable Sliders (dvar)
  • Blending Mode menu
  • Texture settings (Stencil, Negative, RGBtoInt)

---+++Proposed ordering (tentative): (1)/(2), (3+4), (5), (6)/(7)

= 4 tabbed panels in total

ey: "+" combine in same panel, "/" separate panels, tabbed together

-- MattEbb - 25 Sep 2004