Meta talk:Proposals/Restructuring the Manual

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  • All Caps Headers are not working in some languages, e.g. in german.
  • The Parts shouldn't be called just Part XX, but Part XX - Title. Mediawiki does provide some nice automatic linking (like [[../]]), but it is not so usefull, if you get a link to Part XX without a title.
  • The Sections are imbalanced, e.g. "Ambient Light" would be quite short, "Ray Shadow" relatively long.
  • Some functionality needs an example, e.g. Stencil and Warp. So a simple reference wouldn't be enough - or we need associated examples for the reference.

--Soylentgreen 21:33, 6 November 2005 (CET)

Right now, there's a list in the proposal that is pretty similar to the current manual, but that is not really what we are aiming for: The manual should be nothing more than a comprehensive quick start manual, so that means that there won't be in depth sections like described here. Those things will be covered in the reference guide, which becomes more important in the new proposal! --Ewout 22:36, 6 November 2005 (CET)

All right, should this be moved to the reference guide, or do we need a completely new structure? --Soylentgreen 22:52, 6 November 2005 (CET)

The structure of the Users Manual is IMHO not too bad as a rough layout for a potential reference manual. It would be more task orientated than program-window orientated. But the sections would have to be more complete in explaining every button. --Soylentgreen 21:30, 7 November 2005 (CET)


I've pretty much done this as part of my information design/restructure project. I'll take this from the main page for now, and hopefully it will be put to rest for a while :) --Matt Ebb 13:29, 4 August 2006 (CEST)