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2018年6月29日 (金) 02:46時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Agenda for 11th December 2005

Blender default layout / theme for 2.40 series

  • rcas : propose a change of the default theme to the upcoming 2.40 series to be the rounded one, make Blender look a more professional tool. Also, since this new series is coming perhaps a change to the layout is in order.

Particles loss of functionality

  • rcas : previously an Object could have N particle effects attached to it. With the new panel this isn't true. Now with the ability to restrain a particle effect to a VGroup, having the possibility to do N particle effects on an Object makes even more sense. One Example: Head model, I want to have the beard with one set of particles and the hair with another, this isn't possible now, I have to create a second mesh.

Add Help Forum under a new Users Forum Section

  • rcas : due to the massive posts by users on the Development Forum, a new section should be created for Users, with only one Help forum inside. This Forum could work as a "FAQ" for problems found by users and solved later on, and also could have some sticky threads pointing to other Foruns related to Blender.


  • halley : find out who has tried the duplimat patch on the tracker, suggest others grab it, and solicit feedback on the new user interface (it's all contained in 4 controls on the mtex panel). Maybe more in-depth discussion next week.