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2018年6月29日 (金) 02:47時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Meeting 2004/09/26

  • . 2.35 projects shortlist (b-con2)
    • . undo (Ton R)
      • testers: do test this vigorously. Lots and lots and lots. It has to work flawlessly.
      • Johnny M → add undo pushes where needed. Volunteers always needed :)
    • . editmesh refactor (Ton R)
      • proposal: kill loopselect tools &rarr can be done with one mouseclick with new editmesh code.
        • determine right UI option
        • should be possible at 50% length of current loopcode
        • perhaps Ton. Coder wanted!
    • . [[1]] (Martin P)
      • object to transdata is done
      • generic numinput is done
      • grab is mainly done
      • prepared for conversion to event based transform
      • hopefully finished before blender, depending on Martin Ps workload.
      • if anyone is interested in helping out, contact Martin P
    • . [[2]] (Nathan L, Jean-Luc P, Michel S)
      • rethink location of bs package → see last weeks meeting minutes.
    • . softbodies (Ton R + Jensen W + ... )
      • Ton will soon commit frawework, on which Jensen can continue. (David Bourguignon work? See ML)
    • . hooks (Ton)
      • create softhook, like proportional editing
      • display improvements coming up
      • apply deform (Ton R)
      • check → lattices, particles, other curves, etc.
    • . curve deform
      • apply deform (Ton R)
      • check → lattices, particles, other curves, etc.
    • . UI
      • depends on how editmesh rewrite progresses
      • Matt Ebb has re-analysed buttons windows (See UI|update)
    • (on modifiers (hooks, softbodies, deform, non-destructive effects) → check modifier stack)
  • . roadmap -> milestones for working towards blender-conference release?
    • . B-Con 3 in one/two weeks. Have conference B-Con 4 → live bug sessions :D
  • . patches:
    • . [[3]] by Michael Tiedtke → Ton checks
    • . [[4]] by Joseph (joeedh) → Ton checks
    • . [[5]] by antihc3 → py team should check