Dev talk:Source/Blender/Render/Frameserver

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2018年6月29日 (金) 02:48時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Hi Peter,

I wondered what the frameserver option was for, and just found your (this) page on it.

When I try to run it with RC3 or CVS I'm getting "Can't open socket"

Do I need to have the frameserver running first?

I just tried running a simple perl socket server on port 8080, still get the same message from Blender.

I've installed and played around a bit with AviSynth on my XP box, and also have had Apache running locally ok, so the HTTP 'plumbing' is working.

Mike --Mstram 02:33, 14 July 2006 (CEST)

I just tried the 'To compile the vfapi-plugin using mingw simply do: ' thing

When I opened the 'localhost.blu' file in TmpGen ver 2.5 (2.521.58.169), it crashes with a 'core dumped' message (This running it under MingW), .. it also crashes running it under "straight" XP

--Mstram 02:51, 14 July 2006 (CEST)

Sorry, haven't read this before (filing a bug report would have been better suited...) Regarding: "Can't open socket": blender tries to open a server socket on your machine and fails. Probably you should try to use another server port, since 8080 is taken on your machine.

TmpGeng has the sad nature of dumping core if the input plugin returns an error code. Caused also headaches to me...

To make this clear: the frameserver within Blender _is_ the HTTP server. Don't try to start another server on the same port, since this will fail like above.

The TMPGenc plugin is the client to this server. To test your configuration, just use firefox and see, if the help screen is served to you. If this works, the TMPGenc plugin will work also.

Hope that helps!

--Peter Schlaile 23:40, 2 June 2007 (CEST)