利用者:Bartje/Doc:NL/Tutorials/Game Engine/BSoD/Format of the Tutorial

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De vorm van de tutorial

Deze tutorial zal de lezer duidelijk maken hoe men een eenvoudig een volledig nieuw 3D spel maakt in Blender. Het is de bedoeling dat de lezer na het volgen van deze turorial in staat is om aan het spel dan ook meer 'levels' toe te voegen.

Er wordt geen voorkennis vereist, dus ervaren gebruikers van Blender zullen bepaalde delen kunnen overslaan.

Hier worden ook enkel aspecten van Blender aangeleerd die van belang zijn voor het maken van eenvoudige spelletjes. Hopelijk zal deze tutorial de lezer aanmoedigen om ook dieper in te gaan om de andere functionaliteiten van Blender te doorgronden, zoals het maken van 3D animaties.

De tutorial zou ongeveer 2 uren duren om een nieuw, werkend spel te maken.


Deze tutorial is gericht op iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in het maken van 3D spellen, maar die geen voorkennis heeft van Blender of van 3D.

Hier zal men de basis van de Game Engine ("GE") aanleren. Zowel nieuwe gebruikers van Blender, als ervaren gebruikers van Blender die de "GE" nog niet geprobeerd hebben zullen er hier de basis van leren.

Blender is een heel krachtig 3D modeling en animatie paket, met een uitstekende Game Engine die voortdurend verbeterd wordt. Het is algemeen geweten dat de eerste stappen in Blender niet snel aangeleerd zijn, maar wanneer men de workflow onder de knie heeft, kan men er heel snel in werken.

What skills will you need to know in advance

This tutorial is aimed at all levels of user, so it doesn't assume any prior knowledge of Blender.

If you are a new user with no experience of Blender, the tutorial will step you through the important aspects of Blender and the GE, so that you will be able to create your own game.

If you are experienced with the Blender UI with regard to the important GE buttons and areas, you might want to quickly scan over some of the initial sections.

Starting a game project?

Before posting your Game project announcement in a forum please read this.

Blender is a great application for all kinds of 3D artwork, be that stills, animations or even... games! Most of these projects are solo, but once in a while someone or a team of people decides/decide to recruit people to the development team or just want to let us know he/they is/are making a game. If you are working on a game and would like to recruit or just show your project in development, please take the following into account:

1. We frequently get overly excited newbies who post about their project to create a MMORPG (or any other type of game, really, but MMOGs are the most common). In 99% of the cases, the project never goes anywhere and the actual announcement itself would make any professional representative cringe. That's the reason why we are quick to be skeptical about any posted project which does not follow the following guidelines.

2. As mentioned before, make sure you represent yourself in a professional way. Provide us with details on you/your team/your company including current team members and their responsibilities, your website (if you have one; most games only have a website once their game is about to be published) and contact information.

3. Present your game in a good way. That is to say, show us the game concept (including concept art, a plot concept and a game script concept) and the work in progress (models, screen shots, videos showing the game in action) which you already have. Even if you are recruiting, you must be able to prove that your game is not the dream of an overly-excited newbie, so show us more than a dream. Give us a plan.

4. Give us a reason to be interested in your game and/or participating in the creation of it. Tell us what your game is about, and what it's major features will be. Tell us who your audience is and what your plans are for when the game nears the end of it's production. Using which medium will the game be transported to the client? Will the game be free to play or will you charge a single/monthly fee to play? Tell us about your goals in general. Make us anticipate the finished version of the game.

5. If you are recruiting, tell us what's in it for us. Many people ask for others to join their project, but why should we? We will not make your game, at least not for free.

6. Please use proper grammar, spelling, syntax and punctuation. There is nothing worse than presenting yourself by misspelling a word in every other sentence.

I hope this post will avoid any future flames caused by an inexperienced person beginning a game project he can't handle (yet) and will allow the professional game developers to gain acceptance and support.

-The above was provided by Peter Charlesworth via the blenderartists forum.

Downloading the correct version of Blender

This tutorial requires the use of Blender 2.42a. If you have an older version of Blender, please upgrade to this version. It can be downloaded here...

Click here to download Blender 2.42a

Use current Blender version
If you are using a previous version of Blender, even if it was version 2.42, you may notice an error when running your game with the stand-alone Game Engine player. Blender version 2.42a fixes the game engine error that exists in version 2.4.2.

--Mal_CanDo 17:00, 18 August 2006 (GMT)