Dev:Ref/Release Notes/2.49/2.49b/Game Engine

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2018年6月29日 (金) 03:43時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Python API

Python API Bugfixes 2.49b

  • Converting a mesh from a python argument was broken but happened to work in some cases.
  • Memory leak fix for action.channelNames.
  • Was writing to freed memory when freeing a python object in some cases.
  • Removing GameLogic.EvalExpression(), was unstable.
  • Crash fix when casting a ray to the same location as the object.
  • Fixed KX_PolyProxy returning improper VertexIndex with mixed triangles and quads with using .getVertexIndex() and .v1, .v2, etc. [bug #19254]
  • Fixed obj.sendMessage() with 4 arguments crashing blender [bug #18963]

Python API Bugfixes 2.49a

  • Camera functions getScreenPosition, Ray and Vect fixes
  • Bug in KX_GameObject.get() and ListValue.get() returning python types float/int/string.
  • Pythons sys.path creation was broken in windows (caused YoFrankie game to not start)
  • Action Actuator setChannel() function was broken in a number of ways.
  • Deprecation warnings were printed twice.

Python API Improvements 2.49a

  • GE Python support for __contains__ "prop" in gameOb and "OBCube" in scene.objects syntax.
  • GE Python support for dictionary style get() cont.actuators.get("key", default), works for sensors and object controllers too.
  • Action actuator getChannel("name") function to get the bone loc,size,quat for a bone.


Improvements 2.49b

Bullet Bugfixes 2.49b

  • Crash fix when a parent compound object didn't have a physics controller.
  • Fix for the torque actuator x -& y-axis not working.

Bullet Bugfixes 2.49a

  • Fix for Torque and 6DOF constraints
  • Applied torque breaks rigid bodies in game engine

Bug Fixes

Game Engine Bugfixes 2.49b

  • Saving runtime on Windows didn't work with python2.6
  • Let IPO's animate the ref value for KX_BlenderMaterial's

Game Engine Bugfixes 2.49a

  • Anisotropic friction with zero values caused objecs to jump to infinity
  • Materials using Object texture coordinates caused crash
  • light in skinned object only work properly after running the action once.
  • Avoid crashing BGE on Mobile Intel GMA 950/945 Express GPU
  • Lights in non-glsl mode didn't move anymore, missing matrix update.
  • Changing the scale of a sleeping object wasn't working with bullet.
  • Dynamically added sensor objects didn't have their physic shape synchronized with movement.
  • Loading older blend files (from the blender Gamekit 1.0 demos) that use Sumo crashed on playback
  • Shadow face flag ignored object's scale.
  • Sound Actuator negative events would play a sound when no sound had played yet.
  • Sound Actuator with loop-end stop on negative events.