利用者:Blender Blade/Doc:2.5/Books/Things You Should Know About Blender

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2018年6月29日 (金) 04:37時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Welcome to Things You Should Know About Blender. If you are new to Blender, chances are that you may not know where to start your Blender education. Or maybe you have been playing with Blender for a while, and have read a tutorial or two, but you are still clueless as to what is required to make renders like the pros. The purpose of this book is twofold: First, this book will list what skills are required to achieve certain effects, and where to find excellent resources to learn the required skills. Second, this book will share with the world (or at least the Blender Community) some of the facts I've learned though hours of searching Blender.


--Blender Blade 17:19, 12 June 2010 (UTC)