Dev talk:2.5/Doc/Building Blender/Linux/Ubuntu/CMake

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2012年10月8日 (月) 12:30時点におけるwiki>Aurosutruによる版 (Additions for Compiling in Ubuntu 12.04)
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In addition to the dependencies for compiling Blender in Linux listed here, the following are needed in Ubuntu 12.04:

sudo apt-get install cmake-curses-gui scons yasm freeglut3-dev libboost-all-dev \ libjpeg62-dev libtheora-dev libfaac-dev libfaad-dev libglew1.6-dev

These dependencies are from the BlenderArtists discussion at, post #18.

Additional changes needed for successful compilation include:

Resetting references for some libraries in Cmake from their default locations, usually usr/lib, to their new locations in 12.04 at /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu, including:

libjpeg libopenjpeg libglew libopenal libsdlmain libtiff4

On my system WITH_X11_VF86VMODE also needed to be turned off.

Finally, the handling of a conflict between libjpeg and libtiff4 described in the above BlenderArtists thread on Ubuntu 12.04, post #24 needs to be followed. That involves downloading the libtiff4-dev library, unpacking it in the Archive Manager and copying the include and lib directories into a new directory you create in your /home/UserName/blender-svn/lib/linux directory.

After building Blender this way the resulting build is 39% faster when rendering in Cycles than the default 2.64.0 build. Enjoy.