2018年5月29日 (火) 00:24時点におけるwiki>Britaによる版
Personal Info
- Name: Inês Almeida
- Email: britalmeida@gmail.com
- irc: brita_
- b-Network: ines-almeida
- Twitter: @brita_pt
- Website: www.inesalmeida.com
About me
Software Engineer and Technical Artist, currently employed full time at Guerrilla Games in Amsterdam as a Tools Programmer.
Since 2013 I have been developing for Blender, on and off, in projects such as the UI Previews, BGE, add-ons and the Blender Cloud.
I have been using Blender as a hobby since 2011.
Misc Configurations and Tips
These are some of my configurations and settings for building/using blender that may be useful.
- git
- pyenv - managing python versions and dependencies
- Searching the code base
grep -rnI . --exclude-dir=".git" --exclude-dir="doc" --exclude={*.pyc,*.po,*.pot} -e "search this"
- Generating the python API documentation for the bge submodules only
blender -b -noaudio --factory-startup -P doc/python_api/sphinx_doc_gen.py -- -f -B --partial bge.*
- Generating the doxygen docs
make doc_doxy
Proposals / Projects
Google Summer of Code 2014