利用者:Gaia.clary/UI violations

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2013年10月28日 (月) 01:49時点におけるwiki>Cessenによる版 (NLA Editor)
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UI Violations regarding the usage of the LMB and RMB

Separating Selection from action

The following rules apply to the default usage of the mouse buttons:

  • RMB: To select an item
  • SHIFT +RMB: To add/remove more items from the selection
  • LMB: to perform an action on the selection

Please remind: This is not about whether LMB or RMB should be used for Select. This is to find where the rules are violated and why it possibly was a good idea to violate them.

Deviations from the rules

Unfortunately there are a few corner cases where action and selection might intertwine. And some parts in Blender even violate the principle such that now RMB selects and LMB takes action.

Here is a list of deviations from the Blender concept within the various available editors:

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In the View port

Object Mode

  • RMB + Tweak: selects an Object and starts a Transform (move). This operation mixes Selection and Action.

Edit Mode

  • RMB + Tweak: selects a vertex/edge/face and starts a Transform (move). This operation mixes Selection and Action.

Sculpt Mode


Vertex Paint


Weight Paint


Texture Paint



  • RMB + Tweak: selects a Marker and moves it. This operation mixes Selection and Action.

Graph Editor

  • In the channel's panel, LMB is used for selection

Dope Sheet

  • In the channel's panel, LMB is used for selection

NLA Editor

  • In the left-hand tracks panel, LMB is used for selection

UV Image editor

Video Sequence Editor

Movie Clip Editor

Text editor

  • RMB gives action menu. It does not select, breaking the Action | Select model.
  • LMB + Tweak selects text.

Node Editor

  • RMB + Tweak: selects and moves node. This operation mixes Selection and Action.
  • LMB + Tweak: selects and moves node. This operation mixes Selection and Action.
  • RMB + Tweak: selects and moves reroute This operation mixes Selection and Action.
  • LMB + Tweak: selects reroute and extrudes noodle. This operation mixes Selection and Action.

Logic editor



  • LMB for selecting. Unsure if this is a violation. Is it? Buttons are all selected using the LMB ...
  • RMB both pre-selects and pops up action menu for highlighted item. This does not actually select item, unless chosen from action menu.

User preferences



  • RMB selects Text Elements. In all other areas of Blender text elements are selected with LMB
  • RMB on a selected Element unselects it. In All other areas this is done with SHIFT +RMB

File Browser

  • LMB can be used for Select
  • LMB+tweak adds to selection (as if it were with shift). RMB+tweak does nothing. Shift+LMB+tweak does weird things.

Python Console

  • LMB +Drag selects text parts. While this conforms to operating system standard behaviour, it actually violates Blender's rules(Select should be done with RMB).

UI Widgets

  • Lists items (UILayout.template_list) are selected using LMB regardless of the setting
  • Menu items are selected using LMB, (but often they initiate an action, so it seems OK)
  • The Color Ramp widget has LMB for selection and LMB+tweak for moving. RMB invokes menu. Ctrl+LMB creates a new point, regardless of the setting
  • In the Curves box (such as RGB Curves node), LMB selects a point. Shift+LMB selects multiple, which is mostly useless