Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/3D interaction/GoToObject

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2013年12月3日 (火) 01:40時点におけるwiki>Eduardfによる版
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GoTo Object
GoTo Object
UI location Group: 3D View
Usage Open the properties sidebar in 3D-View and search for the panel named "GoTo Object"
Version 1.0 Author(s) Eduard Fekete
Blender 2.66 License GPL

Executable information
File name space_view3d_goto_object.py
Current version download http://wiki.blender.org/uploads/6/67/Space_view3d_search%26replace_object.zip
Data 2013-11-28


  • Download the script then copy it into your \\.blender\scripts\addons folder.
  • Open Blender and go to the addons tab in User Preferences.
  • Enable the script


If you like to have more functions (like object replacement, material/texture replacement) then take a look at my other Add-On "Search & Replace".


This Add-On provides a simple menu for use in the 3D view properties sidebar. The menu consists of an output field with any objects from the scene (including cameras, lamps, curves, emptys, fields etc.) and of a filter which is very advantageous if the user has many objects in the scene.

All objects from the scene are written into a interactive output field where users are able to select the found objects. Selecting an object from the output field will also select the object in the scene, set it to the active object and focus the view on it.

Watch my short video demonstration: (click here if the video controls do not embed, for you.)


Interface/Menu Overview

search material menu

Press the refresh button to update the outputfield.

The result (everything in this scene) will be send into the outputfield below the refresh button. The user is then able to select the found objects from the list.

You have to press the refresh button everytime you add or remove an object from the scene.


The filter function below is very advantageous, especially if you have many objects in your scene.


  • Lists all objects from the scene (including cameras/lamps/curves/emptys/fields)
  • select and focus the view on them


  • e-mail: eduard_fekete@yahoo.de