Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Rigging/VG Oppose

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2014年10月13日 (月) 12:34時点におけるwiki>Koilzによる版
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Balance Vertex Groups
Balance the weight of two vertex groups.
UI location Properties > Data > Vertex Groups > Edit Mode
Usage Rigging, Vertex Groups
Version 1.2 Author(s) Koilz
Blender 2.72.0 License GPL
Category Rigging Distribution Extern
Note(s) The addon adds a string property to the scene to work, vgai2.

Executable information
File name balance_vertex_groups_12.py
Current version download balance_vertex_groups_12.py
Python modules bpy
External Python Modules or dependencies _

Warning _
Links T41878
Known Issues _

Balance Vertex Groups

Balance the weight of two vertex groups, for the selected vertices.
Picture from 1.1, 1.2 has a slider which is easier to use.
Properties > Data > Vertex Groups > Edit Mode.