Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/3D interaction/Materials Library VX

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Materials Library VX
Materials library system for Blender
UI location Group: Materials
Usage See below
Version 1.0.0 Author(s) Alfonso Serra (Mackraken)
Blender 2.77 License GPL

Executable information
File name folder materials_library_vx
Current version download In Blender Release 2.79

Links https://sites.google.com/site/aleonserra/home/scripts/matlib-vx-5-6


  • Matlib VX is a Blender addon that will create a material library.
  • You can save, load and categorize materials that can be shared across all your projects.
  • This version uses a blend file as database so all external render engines, all node materials and textures are supported.
  • It also makes use of blender compression.
  • please see https://sites.google.com/site/aleonserra/home/scripts/matlib-vx-5-6 for full docs