利用者:Sebbas/GSoC 2017/Reports/Week 5

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2017年7月1日 (土) 22:25時点におけるwiki>Sebbasによる版 (What's been done)
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Week 5

This week I finished the first version of the Mantaflow secondary particle function. While integrating it into Blender I also made some bigger adaptions in the point cache.

What's been done

  • First version of the Mantaflow secondary particle function is in Blender now. (rB1bdf2152e115)
  • To control fluid particles I've hooked up the secondary particle controls to a new UI tab. It's currently very basic (only on/off and threshold for secondary particles, FLIP removed for now) but should become home of more particle settings in the future. (rB9b7d06b255b4)
  • I always found caching with the .uni a bit cumbersome. Writing them is not very efficient and slows down the simulation. Also, and this is what disturbed me the most, the whole approach with them does not scale very well. For example, when caching FLIP and secondary particles together you'd have at leat 4 files to write for each frame (2x particle system files, 2x particle velocity files).
  • The solution to this problem is to move all the caching that happens in the .uni files to .bphys pointcache files. I started working on this and made the first adaptions in the cache (functions that previously supported just smoke now support liquids too) and in Mantaflow (added direct access to particle data pointers - similar to grid access). (rB29553c068457, rB67df724a1fdc, rB273cf1f65c05, rB03742faf431e, rBa9992eaaabec)
First drop particle generation test

Next up

  • Get some feedback on my secondary particle function before meeting Nils on Friday.
  • Caching liquid volumetric data with the "Pointcache" format still has a couple of quirks. I'd like to resolve them next week and, in the best scenario, end up with a version that smoothly caches liquids and/or smoke in the "Pointcache" format.
  • The "Fluid particles" tab is missing the FLIP option. I need to get that back.
  • Slowly prepare for "Fluid Guiding". The week after next week I'd like to start with some coding for that.


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