Dev:Ref/Outdated/Proposals/UI/Info Architecture/Object
< Dev:Ref | Outdated | Proposals/UI | Info Architecture
2013年11月8日 (金) 15:52時点におけるwiki>Brechtによる版 (moved Dev:Ref/Proposals/UI/Info Architecture/Object to Dev:Ref/Outdated/Proposals/UI/Info Architecture/Object)
---+++Object buttons
1. Object settings
- Object datablock name (currently in edit buttons)
- Object's layer(s)
- Draw settings
2. Animation
- Time offset etc
3. 'Old constraints' (features that have mostly been made redundant by constraints functionality)
- Old tracking axis direction
- Old tracking settings (powertrack)
- Old path following settings
4. Constraints
- Same as current constraints panel
5. Effects
- Same as current effects panel (tentative)
6. Particle Interaction
- Same as current particle interaction panel (tentative)
7. Duplication
- Dupliverts / rot
- Dupliframes (Dupliframes, DupSta, DupEnd)
---+++Proposed ordering:
(1) (2+3) (4)/(5)/(6) (7)
= 4 panels in total
ey: "+" combine in same panel, "/" separate panels, tabbed together
-- MattEbb - 09 Sep 2004