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January 15th 2006

1) Release Status

1a) Game Engine status

For OS X the ARB shaders are not yet working - all other supported platforms appear to be ready. JLuc Peuriere will try and get it working, worst case scenario is that OS X is released without the ARB shader support. OpenAL seems to build correctly on most build platforms - still some oddness - a report of it not working with make files on Windows from Tom Musgrove

For commits - a request that in the future they be seperated into seperate issues for each commit instead of everything at once, and have better more verbose commit log messages that give a more thorough description of what the commit does. Try to keep the commits small where possible so that they are more 'digestible'. Also we need documentation on usage (CMS pages for release etc.) usually it is preferable to have some hints in the commit logs.

For testing purposes it was requested that we have 'one test - one file' for test blends. It also is desirable to have at least one module maintainer for each Blender area who can attend Sunday meetings, thus it would be good if one of the core GE coders could attend.

We probably need to have OpenGL calls that are beyond OpenGL 1.2 'wrapped'.

1b) Python

Still a few things to be committed, which might be added after the first testing build, pydrivers, getvertexinfluences (although there is a workaround), vert/edge/face mode (some of the current Mesh features are mode dependent), and some other items.

1c) translations

we didn't discuss but also we have translations that need to be committed still

1d) bugs

we have more than 50 bugs in the tracker - coders please have a look in the database and see what you can help fix

1e) plugin

commits on plugin should wait till after the release

1f) splash

no clear consensus - possibly use current splash but add a GE specific item - Erwin would prefer somthing that demonstrates GLSL or text mentioning GLSL/Game Engine

At the very least we will have GE pic on the front page for the release.

1f) conclusion

1) we put RC candidates online asap 2) we get confirmation form engine coders they are OK 3) we wait for python devs to finish 4) we allow some urgent bugfixes still 5) we prepare cms release docs 6) then decide to release

For ubuntu freeze - a RC1/RC2 build could be put used if we aren't quite ready for release on Thursday.

2) Misc

2a) Commit messages

Tom requested that future commit messages have

   ==releasenotes section name==

at the top of each commit for faster release docs summarizing and organizing, so it is easy to put the commit message in the relevant documentation section.

Chris would like a link to the mail archives included with each email/commit message

2b) OpenGL strategy

We need a standardized GL include method for Blender

2c) Render recode

it has begun - some parts will be need to be rewriten since they were 'hacked on', and we may have some loss of functionality in the first release or so.

2d) maintainers

Campbell and Tom Musgrove are added as maintainers of the bundled scripts