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2017年11月14日 (火) 11:52時点におけるwiki>Ideasman42による版 (moved Dev:SundayMeetingAgenda/2004-10-10th to Dev:WeeklyMeetingAgenda/2004-10-10th: No longer sunday)
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Meeting 2004/10/10

  • . projects
    • . transform → see and give Martin P feedback
      • move target to 2.36 so more time for Martin and testing (so no new functions for now)
      • help needed with conversion functions (metaball to transdata, armature to transdata, etc.)
    • . mesh loop tools → need to be redone for new selection modes. Roel will explain Ton what the current code does.
  • . discussion: Python + Internal exposure
    • "theres a big difference in developing c code & apis, and have this available for scripters" → currently ie. editmesh dicussion, editmesh is optimised with specific mem. management. Python shouldn't crash Blender → do actions that are guaranteed to work with UI too.
    • how to bring clarity on this and what BPython can (and is supposed) to do to the people?
      • research if blender python book is feasible (Ton R) and ie. Willian can write.
      • better exposure and explanation on website(s) (Nathan L)
  • . bcon level → bcon 3 today with option for UI work, next status check next week. Transform + softbodies are for after release.
  • . patches
    • Window getPerspMatrix [[1]] Willian, Stephen and Nathan will check.
    • extrusion patch [[2]] → should work also for individual vertex/edge, workflow. Have as nice extra for 2.36
    • [[3]] by Matt Ebb as requested [[4]] on forums → ok by Ton
    • selection menu by Campbell Barton → still on Tons todo