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< Dev:WeeklyMeetingAgenda
2017年11月14日 (火) 11:53時点におけるwiki>Ideasman42による版 (moved Dev:SundayMeetingAgenda/2006-04-02nd to Dev:WeeklyMeetingAgenda/2006-04-02nd: No longer sunday)
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current projects


excellent progress being made - a preliminary patch will be provided this week for review


in next couple of weeks ton will finalize the specs for the nodes - including gathering the interested coders who are interested to maintain shaders and composit


ton would like to experiment with true buckets for geometry, and an API for external renderers to integrate with Blender well (Yafray, Povray, Aqsis, etc), also ram usage was a bottleneck during Orange, a way to reduce ram usage is needed

build systems

status of makefile update?

release schedule

1)testing builds by early of May 2)start splash screen competition now 3)March 24th CVS needs to be tagged as the Orange DVD version, a tarball and builds will be done by maintainers for the DVD