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< Dev:WeeklyMeetingAgenda
2017年11月14日 (火) 11:53時点におけるwiki>Ideasman42による版 (moved Dev:SundayMeetingAgenda/2006-06-04th to Dev:WeeklyMeetingAgenda/2006-06-04th: No longer sunday)
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Summer of Doc

For those of you interested please do submit your proposals for doing documentation this summer, there is funding of 500$ available for proposals that are accepted. They can be written by non native speakers (in your native language) and be translated by someone else later. So please feel encouraged to do submit, and email proposals to bsod-mentors AT

See proposal requirements at

Current Projects

Matt Ebb has some interface items for sequencer he would like to add which he will coordinate with Peter

Bug Tracker

Ton says - "No linux release if ESC prob isnt fixed for linux!"

SoC projects

no updates the SoC mailing list has their weekly updates... and plans

Release Schedule

we are now BCon3 which means major feature freeze

we need test suites for the game engine (backwards compatibility has officialy been broken with 2.25 test suite, but users are encouraged to port them forward to the new engine), test for new features, and rendering engine tests

we would like to do BCon3 in a week - so please FIX BUGS that are assigned to you (or ones that you can fix that aren't assigned to you :) ). If you can't fix a bug you have assigned to you or don't have time, please unassign it so we can assign to someone else.