Org:Foundation/Bf-education/Meetings/Logs/2006 June 4th

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(12:46:07) Bel [n=luisbele@] entered the room.
(12:46:14) Bel: Hello
(12:46:20) rcas: hey guys
(12:46:35) rcas: sorry, but I'm in GMT + 1 and forgot about it
(12:46:48) Bel: well, me too
(12:47:54) Bel: this is my first time on an irc meet here
(12:48:06) rcas: :)
(12:48:09) Bel: so i think it's best to introduce myself
(12:48:36) ***rcas is Rui Campos :)
(12:48:47) Bel: I'm Luis Belerique, and i joined the Blender education mailing list a few months
(12:48:55) Bel: ago
(12:49:29) Bel: unfortunately, i didn't have the chance to join in these meetings, but i finally made it
(12:49:35) rcas: great
(12:49:58) rcas: I was hoping you could be here today, we have interesting things to talk about
(12:49:59) Bel: yeah, havinf internet @ home rocks ;)
(12:50:04) Bel: *having
(12:51:27) Bel: so, have you started discussing the topics? or are you waiting for more people to arrive?
(12:52:47) rcas: waiting for 13:00
(12:52:56) rcas: Maybe more people forgot about it
(12:52:57) Bel: oh ok
(12:54:36) Bel: rcas: just a question, isn't the festival's name "Animatu"?
(12:54:43) rcas: Anyway, Bel, where do you live ?
(12:54:52) Bel: in Porto
(12:54:58) rcas: Bel: yes, my typo on the keyboad
(12:54:58) Bel: Portugal
(12:55:08) rcas: keyboard
(12:55:39) Bel: ;) i see
(12:56:45) rcas: Bel: would it be possible for you to head out to Beja in November ?
(12:57:13) Bel: It depends, for how long?
(12:57:43) Bel: Because i will be giving a course in Blender around that time
(12:57:48) rcas: Bel: for the weekend, perhaps thursday and Friday too
(12:58:02) Bel: It's an idea
(12:58:22) Bel: Thursday wouldn't be possible, but Friday and the weekend is ok with me
(12:58:38) rcas: Bel: I was asking this because the organization of Animatu is pay expenses for any speaker
(12:58:50) rcas: pay = paying
(12:58:51) Bel: i see
(12:59:11) rcas: Bel: And I was wondering if you would like to do a workshop on Animation with Blender
(12:59:25) rcas: Bel: I will be there
(12:59:34) rcas: Bel: doing workshops too
(12:59:55) Bel: hey, it would be great, the problem is that i'm still learning, so i'm not a pro in least, for now
(13:00:09) Bel: but i would love too
(13:01:09) Bel: i'm seeing the dates in the Animatu's website, 15 to 19 November
(13:01:18) rcas: No problem, what area are you more insterested in showing then ?
(13:01:50) Bel: in animation?
(13:02:01) Bel: or in more general subjects?
(13:02:31) rcas: More general
(13:03:02) Bel: well, for now my strongest in Blender is modelling
(13:03:39) rcas: I will be doing, Introduction to Blender, Modeling the Human Body, Modeling the Head, UVMapping the Head, Basic Lighting and Rendering the Head 
(13:03:44) rcas: :)
(13:03:47) Bel: but in these past months i've been trying out character animation with the new features in Blender 2.40
(13:03:49) Bel: and i'm liking it very much :D
(13:04:03) rcas: Well, you can always show that, what you learned
(13:04:05) Bel: for now i only did simple walk cycles
(13:04:21) rcas: And there are still some months before Animatu
(13:04:23) Bel: but i want to go further
(13:04:43) rcas: I find that Conferences and workshops help me get my skills further
(13:04:51) Bel: so, i could give a workshop in character animation, teaching the armature system, walk cycles
(13:05:00) rcas: yup
(13:05:00) Bel: exactly
(13:05:03) rcas: Fine by me
(13:05:13) Bel: cool :D
(13:05:28) Bel: will there be other Blender workshops in Animatu?
(13:06:51) rcas: I don't know, will see if there is any other Portuguese Guy interested in going there
(13:07:05) rcas: People outside PT won't make, almost sure about it
(13:07:24) Bel: too bad :(
(13:07:40) Bel: but there are some PT people very talented in Blender
(13:07:59) rcas: Meeting: I think no-one will show up ... surely they did at 13 GMT, which is 12 here
(13:08:06) Bel: i know some works in a portuguese gamedev forum
(13:08:22) rcas: Bel: can you get them to contact me ?
(13:08:42) Bel: well, i don't actually know them, but i can PM them
(13:09:12) Bel: asking doesn't hurts ;)
(13:09:35) mifune: according to that gmt site its 12:08 gmt
(13:09:48) mifune:
(13:10:48) Bel: actually we're very early :P?
(13:10:58) rcas: mifune: thanks
(13:11:06) rcas: yup, guess so
(13:11:30) rcas: Bel: it would be cool to have more people there, people skilled in Blender
(13:11:57) Bel: yes, great even for knowledge exchange
(13:13:01) rcas: yup
(13:13:27) rcas: since we are early yet, I will have lunch and get back at 13 GMT
(13:13:32) rcas: in about 45 minutes
(13:13:34) Bel: allright
(13:14:07) jasonlan: hello guys
(13:14:14) rcas: hey jasonlan
(13:14:18) jasonlan: yes, it is a bit early
(13:14:33) jasonlan: 9:44pm here inAustralia though
(13:14:51) rcas: there is quite early in the morning
(13:15:04) rcas: be right back, lunch time
(13:50:42) rcas: back
(13:52:08) Bel: welcome back
(13:52:53) Bel: i already sent a message to one guy at the gamedev-pt forum
(13:53:09) Bel: let's hope he replies affirmatively
(13:54:44) rcas: great
(13:55:47) Bel: i just sent a exploration message, if he does reply, can i give him your mail, rcas?
(13:56:00) rcas: yup
(13:56:12) Bel: cool
(14:00:14) Bel: so, concerning the Animatu workshops, how long they should be?
(14:00:40) Don [] entered the room.
(14:01:51) rcas: Bel: you decide
(14:02:09) rcas: lets wait five more minutes before starting the meeting
(14:02:14) Don: hi
(14:02:21) Bel: ok
(14:02:26) jasonlan: ok
(14:02:27) Bel: hey Don
(14:06:42) rcas: Well, guess no one else is coming
(14:06:52) rcas: I would really like to have Hector here
(14:08:44) mifune: he didnt say he couldnt make it.
(14:09:02) rcas: mifune: he was eagger to be here
(14:09:17) mode (+o rcas ) by ChanServ

(14:09:34) rcas has changed the topic to: MEETING TIME !!!

(14:09:42) admix [] entered the room.
(14:09:43) rcas: let me get the agenda
(14:09:49) IlyesGouta [n=A@] entered the room.
(14:09:54) timmeh [n=timmeh@blender/coder/timmeh] entered the room.

(14:10:38) rcas has changed the topic to: MEETING TIME !!! -- 1. Animatu - Portuguese Festival, call for workshops !

(14:10:47) rcas: well, first item on the Agenda
(14:10:59) rcas: Animatu, a Portuguese Festival
(14:11:20) rcas: They were very interested in having Blenderheads showing off Blender
(14:11:27) rcas: Workshops and such
(14:11:42) rcas: I will be there, it is between 15 and 19 November
(14:11:49) rcas: Bel will also be there
(14:11:53) Bel: count me in then
(14:11:58) rcas: right Bel ?
(14:12:01) rcas: hehe
(14:12:06) Bel: yep
(14:12:23) mal_CanDo [] entered the room.
(14:12:26) timmeh: i will be in Europe around then so I may be able to attend also, though can't be absolutely sure just yet
(14:12:36) rcas: And I was hoping to count on all you guys to cooperate with us and help us build some standard material for the Workshops
(14:12:56) rcas: timmeh: And can you do a workshop about Blender ?
(14:13:08) timmeh: rcas, yup
(14:13:23) cheleb [] entered the room.
(14:13:26) rcas: timmeh: what are your main abilities, we are a bit short on animation
(14:13:30) Don: i can't make it portugal, so this sounds good
(14:14:03) rcas: Don: You can't make it ?
(14:14:11) Don: im in the us
(14:14:17) rcas: Don: oh, ok
(14:14:37) rcas: The idea is to get everyone involved in building the workshops contents
(14:14:50) Bel: rcas: what kind of workshop are you doing, rcas?
(14:15:16) rcas: This way we would benefit from it, since we will be showing it there and we would have a standard workshop for others that would like to do those workshops too
(14:15:27) timmeh: rcas, well I'm an architectural modeller, mixed with technical development, ive done a lot with scripting for extending the animation capabilities of blender
(14:15:43) Bel: sounds good :D
(14:15:45) mal_CanDo: I'll be giving a workshop at the start of August to students wanting to learn about game design ( )
(14:15:56) mal_CanDo: using Blender of course :)
(14:15:57) rcas: I will be doing Modeling workshops, on Human Body, Human Head in Detail, Texturing the Human Head and Lighting and Rendering the Head
(14:16:04) Don: i'm a basic modeller and animator, but nothing outstanding
(14:16:18) rcas: timmeh: Arch. Modeling would be great too
(14:16:22) Bel: rcas: can't miss those workshops :D
(14:16:36) rcas: Bel: :)
(14:16:44) rcas: Well, this is great guys
(14:17:00) rcas: We can start building all these workshops then
(14:17:09) Bel: like i previously said, i can do a workshop in character animation. Not a pro, but i have time and will
(14:17:11) Bel: :P
(14:17:22) rcas: Bel: that would be awsome
(14:17:52) mal_CanDo: Has everyone here spent a bit of time teaching someone how to use Blender?
(14:17:58) rcas: I wanted this to be a starting point to have workshops done in a standard way
(14:18:15) Bel: rcas: yes, a good point
(14:18:16) rcas: mal_CanDo: I will also do a Introduction to Blender workshop
(14:18:32) timmeh: yes, standardisation is important
(14:18:46) rcas: I hope to spend one full day with workshops on Animatu
(14:18:50) rcas: or a bit more
(14:19:05) mal_CanDo: Could we add on another section to the end of the meeting, where we maybe discuss some features of Blender that could be changed to make it easier for students?  ( eg when adding an object, don't have it rotated to viewport etc )
(14:19:27) mal_CanDo: If we all ( as trainers of sorts ) agree, we could present a good case to Ton etc
(14:19:28) rcas: mal_CanDo: ok
(14:19:51) timmeh: i'd also like to discuss Summer of Documentation if possible
(14:20:01) rcas: timmeh: ok, added too
(14:20:34) timmeh: thanks
(14:20:54) Bel: rcas: how many different workshops are you giving?
(14:21:09) Bel: just to have an idea for how long it should be...
(14:21:30) Bel: the "standard" workshop :P
(14:21:51) rcas: I will be doing the modeling the human, the head, Texturing and Lighting Rendering
(14:22:03) rcas: Will also be doing a Intro to Blender
(14:22:07) rcas: And that would be it
(14:22:17) rcas: No timing defined yet
(14:22:35) rcas: We will be able to nail that down soon
(14:22:41) Bel: and the workshops are only given once?
(14:23:06) rcas: yup, there are others who like to do their own workshops
(14:23:15) Bel: ok
(14:23:36) rcas: but we leave the content of the workshops on the wiki, so others can use it for further workshops
(14:23:52) rcas: making this standard workshops
(14:24:43) Bel: nice
(14:24:46) rcas: Anyway, as a closing point for this item, Anyone going to Animatu, please mail me so we can coordinate things
(14:24:54) Bel: ok
(14:24:57) timmeh: ok
(14:25:13) rcas: my mail rcampos at
(14:25:14) timmeh: oh btw they speak english at this thing right? ;)
(14:25:21) rcas: yup
(14:25:25) timmeh: good heh
(14:25:37) rcas: Preferebly Portuguese, but we can get English speakers too
(14:25:44) rcas: I can manage that
(14:25:58) rcas: moving to next item as I don't have much time

(14:26:20) rcas has changed the topic to: MEETING TIME !!! -- 2. Bf-Education - where to go now ?

(14:26:56) rcas: Well, I want Education Board to move forward, but for this we need to define our goals
(14:27:20) rcas: And we need to be more active
(14:27:50) rcas: As some of you know, I will get married in August, so my time is quite limited right now
(14:28:02) mal_CanDo: Congratulations!
(14:28:06) rcas: thanks
(14:28:18) rcas: But I wanted more members to do work on this
(14:29:12) rcas: what do you see as goals for the Education ?
(14:29:16) jasonlan: I'm interested in starting some video tutorials for the australian market
(14:29:30) mal_CanDo: Part of this where to go now could include looking at how Blender can be improved for beginner students, in various different ways, and pushing for these changes to the main team
(14:29:56) Bel: well, because i have to prepare a course in Blender, i want to help in standardize (does this word exists) a Blender Course
(14:30:11) Don: im with bel, i've got a course coming up , too
(14:30:25) timmeh: this also ties in heavily with where I am aiming to take BSoD
(14:30:39) Don: blue screen of death?
(14:30:45) Bel: didn't do much because of other projects, but this must be better looked from now on
(14:30:50) jasonlan: Blender summer of doc.
(14:31:39) rcas: ok
(14:31:54) BeBraw [] entered the room.
(14:31:55) rcas: great
(14:31:55) Bel: There has been some good points raised by Glen Moyes (i hope i spelled it right) but you most certainly know them by now ;)
(14:32:04) rcas: yup
(14:32:15) Bel: about the format of documentation
(14:32:27) rcas: He has some good Point
(14:32:39) jasonlan: where do i see these points?
(14:32:45) timmeh: yes link please
(14:33:00) rcas: one second, going through the mailing list
(14:33:55) Bel:
(14:34:02) Bel: i think this is it
(14:34:04) rcas:
(14:34:17) rcas: go here and check Glen Moyes posts
(14:35:07) jasonlan: k
(14:35:37) Bel: i like specially is the idea of a universal manual of 3D
(14:35:56) timmeh: yeh a few of those ideas are things that we wanted to address with SoD
(14:37:12) timmeh: one of the things ive tried to do writing code tuts/docs is to get the reader to understand the underlying reasoning and methods that make it work, this is important with 3d where a point and click tutorial doesnt actually teach anything useful beyond the use of the interface
(14:37:45) rcas: Goals for Education Board:
(14:37:45) rcas: - Build Workshops standards
(14:37:45) rcas: - Build some workshops based on the standards
(14:37:45) rcas: - Build Course standards
(14:37:45) rcas: - Build basic Blender / 3D Course
(14:37:45) rcas: - Build Video Tutorials, based on a standard approach
(14:37:45) rcas: - Build the Educators Manual / Book
(14:37:59) rcas: Is this good or you guys need more ?
(14:38:11) Bel: i want to help in this matter, but i don't know where to start :P
(14:38:45) Bel: what do you mean with "course standards"?
(14:39:09) Bel: standard format, files, glossary?
(14:39:21) mal_CanDo: I'd like to get involved with a module on Build basic Blender / 3D Course, but making it around the GE ( a sort of learning Blender by making a game level )
(14:39:24) timmeh: that looks good to me, i think an important part of standards is a standard layout
(14:39:24) jasonlan: I have read through Glen Moyes Points and agree too
(14:39:45) timmeh: jasonlan, are you from SA?
(14:39:51) jasonlan: yes
(14:39:53) mal_CanDo: yep, a standard layout would be excellent
(14:40:16) Bel: needed if in the future we want a certification program
(14:40:20) timmeh: jasonlan, im also live in Aus
(14:41:16) jasonlan: I'm interested in the Certification
(14:41:28) rcas: Certification is not yet possible
(14:41:34) timmeh: certification is very difficult to arrange
(14:41:49) rcas: We need to have Standard material and the Educators Book before that
(14:41:49) timmeh: especially over a range of countries
(14:42:07) jasonlan: who was that open source certificaton group
(14:42:15) rcas: After we have that it will be easy to achieve the goal of Certification
(14:42:50) rcas: jasonlan: will interface with Ton to see what is needed
(14:43:30) jasonlan: there was a post about an interested open source certifictor on bf-edu.
(14:43:42) rcas: jasonlan: I know
(14:43:54) rcas: jasonlan: didn't have the time yet to write the proposal
(14:45:33) Bel: i think we all agree with these points, but how do we define the standards?
(14:45:57) rcas: Getting there
(14:46:09) rcas: wait just a minute
(14:46:19) rcas: I'm updating the Wiki as we go
(14:46:31) Bel: sorry if i seem impatient
(14:46:36) Bel: :P
(14:46:38) rcas: hehe, no problem
(14:46:58) Bel: it's just that i have to leave early ;)
(14:47:42) rcas: me too, sorry

(14:48:33) rcas has changed the topic to: MEETING TIME !!! -- 3. Bf-Education - call for projects

(14:48:38) rcas: we know the goals
(14:48:51) rcas: now, with the Projects
(14:48:54) mal_CanDo: Main blendercoders meeting is in 10 minutes
(14:49:17) rcas: ok, guess that the projects are the same as the goals, now that I check it
(14:49:23) rcas: on with the next one

(14:49:36) rcas has changed the topic to: MEETING TIME !!! -- 3. who is doing what ? delegation of tasks for a better board.

(14:50:14) rcas: Now, the important thing
(14:50:22) rcas: How wants to do what
(14:50:28) rcas: how = who
(14:50:50) rcas: Hector is building us some nice Wiki pages
(14:51:19) Bel: i can help with the workshop standards and the Blender/3D course, they have immediate appeal to me
(14:51:19) rcas: I will be doing material for the workshops
(14:51:37) rcas: And will help define a standard way of building workshops
(14:52:25) rcas: We need someone to define the standard for the Video Tutorials and make some Video Tutorials as a show off
(14:53:12) rcas: And we also need someone that will work on the Educators Book, basically merging things from the Online Documentation and the workshops and courses
(14:53:32) rcas: Who is up for the Video Tutorials ?
(14:53:54) mal_CanDo: it would be good to have a tutorial on how to use the preferred video capture program, and possibly even offer a way of having voice overs written out and times, and recorded by someone else ( eg a female, with a clear voice ) if people don't want to record themselves for whatever reason
(14:54:03) jasonlan: rcas: still setting up my pc
(14:54:29) jasonlan: for video tutorial
(14:54:41) rcas: I was hoping jasonlan and timmeh could join together for the Video Tuts
(14:54:50) jasonlan: ok
(14:54:54) jasonlan: timmeh?
(14:54:55) Don: i like the portugal thing, with the workshop content
(14:54:57) rcas: jasonlan: can I assign this to you
(14:55:05) jasonlan: ok
(14:55:14) timmeh: jasonlan, eh?
(14:55:14) rcas: Don: want to hook up for workshop helping ?
(14:55:29) Don: sure. whats a hook up
(14:55:36) rcas: timmeh: can you work with jasonlan on getting better Video Tutorials ?
(14:55:59) timmeh: sure
(14:56:06) rcas: Don: you just donate some of your time in helping us, reviewing our work and adding more stuff to the workshops
(14:56:19) Don: yes indeed
(14:56:28) rcas: I will leave this item to you two ( timmeh and jasonlan ) then
(14:56:30) rcas: thanks
(14:56:37) jasonlan: ok

(14:57:27) rcas has changed the topic to: MEETING TIME !!! -- 4. Blender Conference 2006

(14:57:39) rcas: Ok, who is going to Blender Conference 2006
(14:57:46) mifune: i am
(14:57:53) Don: where
(14:57:55) timmeh: i am
(14:57:55) rcas: It may look soon, but we should do a big thing on Education there
(14:58:00) rcas: My main GOAL
(14:58:01) mifune: amsterdam
(14:58:18) rcas: what do you guys would like to see there ?
(14:58:25) rcas: Educationally speaking
(14:59:16) timmeh: i will likely be speaking already regarding SoD, which we could tie nicely with what we want to achieve educationally
(15:00:44) rcas: timmeh: great
(15:00:44) jasonlan: timmeh where in australia are you?
(15:01:09) timmeh: jasonlan, QLD
(15:01:17) timmeh: jasonlan, used to live in SA
(15:01:30) jasonlan: ha, I used to live in QLD
(15:01:42) timmeh: :)
(15:01:45) jasonlan: Cairns, Port Douglas
(15:01:52) jasonlan: Brisbane too
(15:01:57) jasonlan: u?
(15:02:02) timmeh: ah yes i dont live that far north, Noosa
(15:02:02) rcas: Anyone else going to Blender Conference ?
(15:02:11) rcas: I was hoping to have workshops there too
(15:02:23) timmeh: rcas, yah i can help with workshops there
(15:02:27) rcas: maybe a workshops maraton
(15:02:31) timmeh: jasonlan, hawthorne in adelaide
(15:03:15) mifune: i could give a workshop there about mechanical modeling or something, but i dont have any experiance with workshops
(15:03:21) jasonlan: Im in port enfield
(15:03:38) rcas: mifune: cool
(15:04:08) rcas: mifune: I can help you out, no problem
(15:05:01) rcas: anyone else ?
(15:05:20) Bel: can't go :(
(15:05:37) jasonlan: can't go
(15:06:20) rcas: too bad
(15:06:33) rcas: that would be an awesome thing
(15:06:42) timmeh: im going this year if i have to cut off both legs
(15:06:47) rcas: Anyway, we can record most of it
(15:07:00) Don: can't make it
(15:07:00) rcas: My cousin will eventually be there with his camera
(15:07:14) timmeh: i got soo close last year :S
(15:07:17) mifune: timmeh: just do all the dangerous stuff after bconf
(15:07:26) Bel: maybe next year :) until then i'll be waiting for the videos
(15:07:28) Bel: :P
(15:07:30) timmeh: mifune, i completely intend to :)
BeBraw Bel 
(15:08:05) rcas: Bel: if it is for the money, it is around 450 Euros for the 4 days
(15:08:20) rcas: great
(15:08:25) Bel: when is going to be the conference?
(15:08:45) Bel: rcas: unfortunately, can't afford that :P
(15:08:54) rcas: ok
(15:08:58) rcas: October
(15:09:22) Bel: besides, got lots of work to do, maybe in a few months you'll see some cool stuff made with blender :D
(15:10:09) Bel: well, have to go
(15:10:19) Bel: it was great talking with you, guys
(15:10:25) rcas: ok
(15:10:28) rcas: bye then
(15:10:32) Bel: when is the next meeting?
(15:10:43) rcas: next month
(15:10:49) Bel: ok then
(15:10:52) rcas: always the first sunday of the month
(15:11:01) jasonlan: ok
(15:11:14) Bel: thanks for the tip. See ya in the next month.
(15:11:19) rcas: Guys, I guess we will have to postpone the remaining items for next meeting
(15:11:25) Bel left the room (quit: ).
(15:11:40) rcas: I have to go too, and there is the Coders Meeting going
(15:11:49) IlyesGouta left the room.
(15:11:49) jasonlan: k, guys
(15:12:08) jasonlan: timmeh, deltacentauri at is your email?
(15:12:56) Don: go to go email is dhenton at operamail dot com
(15:13:11) Don: rcas, i'll email you about the portugal content
(15:13:13) Don: bye
(15:13:15) rcas: thanks
(15:13:18) jasonlan: write_2_jason at
(15:13:22) timmeh: jasonlan, old one, tim.wakeham @
(15:13:23) jasonlan: bye
(15:13:27) jasonlan left the room.
(15:13:29) Don left the room (quit: "Chatzilla 0.9.73 [Firefox]").
(15:18:06) HHec [i=chatzill@] entered the room.
(15:18:37) HHec: hey!
(15:19:40) rcas: hey
(15:19:45) rcas: Meeting is over ....
(15:19:51) rcas: :(
(15:20:03) HHec: yes.... i just could'nt manage to make it :(
(15:20:13) rcas: no problem
(15:20:22) mal_CanDo: Hey there rcas
(15:20:22) rcas: I will have the wiki updated in 5 minutes
(15:20:25) rcas: with all of it
(15:20:30) HHec: okas
(15:20:35) rcas: mal_CanDo: hey
(15:20:51) mal_CanDo: With regards to suggesting changes to Blender for beginners, what would be a good place for jotting them down for further discussions?  eg the pros, cons etc
(15:21:01) mal_CanDo: The WIKI?
(15:21:33) rcas: maybe send them to the mailing list
(15:22:09) mal_CanDo: no worries, I've just signed up so I'll do that

(15:25:45) rcas has changed the topic to: Meetings ->