Doc talk:Manual/Render/Bake

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2010年1月18日 (月) 06:15時点におけるwiki>Delfeldによる版 (Shrinkwrap image to object?: new section)
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Is Margin working?

Shrinkwrap image to object?

Is there any way to take an image with transparency and wrap only the non-transparent portion to a mesh? I want the non-trans. area to fit the mesh exactly.

E.g., an image of a horse, with all non-horse areas as transparent, will get wrapped to a cube (or some other mesh). I imagine this image being treated as a UV map, even though it is not the correct shape.

Shrinkwrap seems pretty close, but I wouldn't know how to make the non-trans. portion of an image into a mesh that I could shrinkwrap. If I could get the non-trans. portion to wrap completely around a sphere (seamlessly), that may be a solution, but I'm not sure how to do it.