利用者:Wahooney re/Paint Branch Proposals

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< 利用者:Wahooney re
2009年2月2日 (月) 08:10時点におけるwiki>Mindronesによる版 (Wahooney re/Paint Branch Proposals moved to User:Wahooney re/Paint Branch Proposals: This is a personal proposal, maybe wahooney forgot to add "User:"?)
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These are a random collection of ideas for the proposed Paint branch.

Brush Dynamics

Brush Roundness

Make brushes more/less round.

Brush Profile Curve

Instead of just setting the soft-/hardness of a brush, allows the user to specify an exact profile.


Rotate the texture to make it face the direction the cursor is moving, as in sculpt.

possibly also with wrap-arouund, which simulates a painting roller.

Rotation Jitter

Jitter the rotation off the expected axis by a specified amount.

  • Angle (min/max)

Scale Jitter

Jitter the scale off the expected size by a specified amount.

  • X and Y jitter (min/max)
  • UV space or cursor direction space

Position Jitter

Jitter the position of the brush off the current cursor position

  • X and Y jitter (min/max)
  • UV space or cursor direction space

Single Axis Torus Wrapping

Right now wrapping works in both axes, allow the user to specify an axis the wrapping works in.

  • U and/or V axis

Image Tubes

Paint with an array of full colour images (ie. Painting ivy onto a wall)

  • Must respect all brush dynamics (scale, raking, rotation jitter, etc)
  • Can be defined with an image grid/multi-layer exr

Multi-Texture Brushes

Blend multiple textures before painting, ie. a raked cloud and a voronoi cellular effect combined using Overlay will create a water colour like effect.

  • Use all available blend modes.

Pressure ranges

Set limits for tablet pressures, ie.

  • Brush Size affected by pressure: smallest brush size is 5.0 pixels, largest is 25.0.
  • Brush Opacity affected by pressure: lowest alpha is 0.1, greatest is 0.5.
  • etc.

Scripted brushes

Allow a script to modify brush settings on a per sample basis.

Transfer Image to Mesh

An image is shown in the 3D view/which can be positioned, rotated or scaled as needed in screen space. Then the user can either stamp the whole image onto the mesh or paint the areas they want stamped.

Other Ideas

  • Use Render Result as Clone source
  • Anchored Brushes (like sculpt)
  • switch to a double buffered system for...
    • Brushes with opacity that never reaches 1.0 (like the difference between brushes and air brush in the gimp)
    • Anti aliased occlusion.
    • Any tools that need to use original image data.
  • Correct painting over seams, paint brush width needs to be used to find face/ray "collisions".

Fix seams tool

Besides an algo to fix seams during painting(detect seams and extend/blur the paint there), make a button to fix all seams at once by blending over seams to corresponding faces.