Doc talk:2.6/Manual/Extensions/Python/Console

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2011年12月15日 (木) 11:40時点におけるwiki>Mindronesによる版 (moved Doc talk:2.5/Manual/Extensions/Python/Console to Doc talk:2.6/Manual/Extensions/Python/Console)
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Feedback from RickyBlender

i think you have to think that a lot of people go to theses wiki page to learn python and are not programmers but are still trying to understand how it works
so this requires more details explanation to make them understand how it works
and then they can really learn from theses wiki pages

1 -
>>> bpy.context. and press CTRL+SPACE-KEY to list everything inside it.
Names that end in ( are functions (driver_add, get, etc., )
Rest all are variables (mode, object, etc.,)
here i'm having some problems
to see which one are functions and variable
like this get thing
how can you say it's a function or a variable
and may be add an example or 2 for each one to demosntrate this fact
2 -
add_cube = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add
>>> for index in range(0, 5):
. . . add_cube(location=(index*3, 0, 0), layer=layers)

this is a very nice example but
i have a problem to understand how this works!
i think this would requires some more details explanations for noobies
how can you pass arguments while there are no arguments in the add_cube var?

3 -selected objects and active object
when you for instance create a cube like your add_cube
does it means that this new created cube becomes the active object ?

also i think that the last selected object is the active object !
which was not indicated i think

4 - the BPY data is not in the API doc yet
so may be you should add a note for this

5- another paragraph i think would be interesting
to indicate that 2.5 is mosty using class
like examples for this can be found in the blende folder

"Try it out!" didn't work

I edited the last section "Try it out!" I found out that the property for bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add is named "layers", while the script assumes its named "layer". (maybe that was so in former version. So i changed the script to work. But still the screenshot shows a different(and now not working anymore) input... --Maddes 18:53, 14 November 2010 (UTC)