Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Import-Export/IdTech4 md5

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2018年6月29日 (金) 04:39時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Export idTech4 (.md5)
Exports the current scene to the idTech4 md5 model format (.md5mesh/.md5anim)
UI location File > Export > Quake Model 5 (.md5)
Version 0.1 Author(s) Paul Zirkle (Keless), credit to der_ton
Blender 2.54 Rev:#? License GPL

Executable information
File name io_export_md5.py
Python modules math, os

Links http://www.katsbits.com/smforum/index.php?topic=167.0



I ported this by translating the old Blender 2.4x exporter by der_ton up to Blender 2.5

Much thanks also to katsbits.com

To use: you must select an armature and mesh(es) in the scene, then select File->Export->Quake Model 5 (.md5).

Only the currently active animation action will be exported, so the script must be run multiple times if multiple action animations are desired: select a new active action and run the script again (make sure to choose a different file name, or it will overwrite the previous output).