Doc talk:2.6/Manual/Interface/Window system/Arranging frames

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In the image illustrating "Joining two frames" the "Outliner" shows a widget in the LOWER LEFT corner, similar to the splitter in the upper right corner.

Elsewhere, in some videotutorial, I learned that its purpose was to put the frame in a separate window.

One would expect to find, here in this manual-page, info about the widget and the purpose it and its separate window serve?

--Andre anckaert 11:43, 26 November 2010 (UTC)

[EN] Hi,

How can we change in Romanian manual, the address of the page "Arranging frames" from English (/2.6/Manual/Interface/Window system/Arranging frames) with the page translated into Romanian? (RO/2.6/Manual/Interface/Window system/Arranging frames)

Thanks ----

[RO] Salut,

Cum se poate schimba in Manualul in romana adresa paginii "Arranging frames" din engleza (/2.6/Manual/Interface/Window system/Arranging frames) cu cea tradusa in romana? (RO/2.6/Manual/Interface/Window system/Arranging frames)

Multumesc ----

--User:Ed62 7 Jan 2012