Interesting Papers
Collection of potentially useful papers.
Adaptive Rendering
- A Novel Adaptive Sampling by Tsallis Entropy
- A Progressive Error Estimation Framework for Photon Density Estimation
- Adaptive Sampling and Bias Estimation in Path Tracing
- New Contrast Measure for Pixel Supersampling
- An Adaptive Sampling Technique for Multidimensional Integration by Ray Tracing
- A Perceptually Based Adaptive Sampling Algorithm
- Entropy-based Adaptive Sampling
- Multidimensional Adaptive Sampling and Reconstruction for Ray Tracing
- Refinement Criteria for Global Illumination using Convex Functions
- Generating Antialiased Images at Low Sampling Densities
- Adaptive Wavelet Rendering
Motion Blur
- Micropolygon Ray Tracing With Defocus and Motion Blur
- Diploma Thesis: Motion Blur
- Ordered Depth-First Layouts for Ray Tracing
- Faster Incoherent Rays: Multi-BVH Ray Stream Tracing
- Incoherent Ray Tracing on GPU
- HLBVH: Hierarchical LBVH Construction for Real Time Ray Tracing of Dynamic Geometry
- A hybrid CPU-GPU Implementation for Interactive Ray-Tracing of Dynamic Scenes
- Real-Time KD-Tree Construction on Graphics Hardware
- Memory-Scalable GPU Spatial Hierarchy Construction
- Fast Ray Sorting and Breadth-First Packet Traversal for GPU Ray Tracing
- Image Synthesis using Adjoint Photons
- Combining Global and Local Virtual Lights for Detailed Glossy Illumination
- Coherent Metropolis Light Transport with Multiple-Try Mutations
- Variance Reduction for Russion roulette
- Bi-directional path tracing
- Reducing the Number of Shadow Rays in Bidirectional Path Tracing
- Progressive Photon Mapping
- Stochastic Progressive Photon Mapping
- Arbitrary Importance Functions for Metropolis Light Transport
- Sampling methods in ray-based global illumination
- Energy Redistribution Path Tracing
- Acceleration of the Multiple-Try Metropolis using Antithetic and Stratified Sampling
- Metropolis Instant Radiosity
- Metropolis Light Transport
- Photorealistic Image Rendering with Population Monte Carlo Energy Redistribution
- Population Monte Carlo Path Tracing
- Population Monte Carlo Samplers for Rendering
- A Simple and Robust Mutation Strategy for the Metropolis Light Transport Algorithm
- A Variance Analysis of the Metropolis Light Transport Algorithm
Volume rendering
- Unbiased Global Illumination with Participating Media
- Instant Multiple Scattering for Interactive Rendering of Heterogeneous Participating Media
- Radiance Caching for Participating Media
- Photographic Tone Reproduction for Digital Images
- Non-symmetric Scattering in Light Transport Algorithms
- Light Scattering from Filaments
- Dual Scattering Approximation for Fast Multiple Scattering in Hair
- Photo-Realistic Rendering of Blond Hair
- Rendering Fur with Three Dimensional Textures
- Light Scattering from Human Hair Fibers
- Modeling and Rendering of Weathered Stone
- A Spectral Shading Model for Human Skin
- Acquiring Scattering Properties of Participating Media by Dilution
- Rendering Translucent Materials Using Photon Diffusion
- Monte Carlo Evaluation Of Non-Linear Scattering Equations For Subsurface Reflection
- Light Diffusion in Multi-Layered Translucent Materials
- Implementing a skin BSSRDF (or several...)
- Efficient Rendering of Local Subsurface Scattering
- An Empirical BSSRDF Model
- A Spectral BSSRDF for Shading Human Skin
- A Practical Model for Subsurface Light Transport
- A Layered, Heterogeneous Reflectance Model for Acquiring and Rendering Human Skin
- DiagSplit: Parallel, Crack-free, Adaptive Tessellation for Micropolygon Rendering
- Approximating Subdivision Surfaces with Gregory Patches for Hardware Tessellation
- Real-Time View-Dependent Rendering of Parametric Surfaces
- Rendering Complex Scenes with Memory-Coherent Ray Tracing
- Direct Ray Tracing of Smoothed and Displacement Mapped Triangles
Used Papers
Publications from which we implement parts:
- Constructing Sobol sequences with better two-dimensional projections (link)
- Diploma Thesis Motion Blur (pdf)
- Ray Tracing Deformable Scenes using Dynamic Bounding Volume Hierarchies (pdf)
- Spatial Splits in Bounding Volume Hierarchies (link)
- Optimally Combining Sampling Techniques for Monte Carlo Rendering (link)
- A Practical Analytic Model for Daylight (link)
- Microfacet Models for Refraction through Rough Surfaces (pdf)
- Predicting Reflectance Functions from Complex Surfaces (link)
- Measuring and Modeling Anisotropic Reflection (link)
- Notes on the Ward BRDF (pdf)
- A Microfacet-based BRDF Generator (link)
- Tracing Ray Differentials (link)
- What is the Space of Camera Response Functions? (link)
- Fast, minimum storage ray-triangle intersection (link)
- Understanding the Efficiency of Ray Traversal on GPUs (link)
- A Ray Tracing Hardware Architecture for Dynamic Scenes (link)
- Improving Noise (link)
- Texturing and Modelling: A procedural approach