Doc talk:2.6/Manual/Render/Output/Frameserver

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2012年8月6日 (月) 21:34時点におけるwiki>Ideasman42による版 (moved Dev talk:Source/Render/Frameserver to Doc talk:2.6/Manual/Render/Output/Frameserver: Since this is available in the user interface, this should be in our user docs.)
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Using command-line ffmpeg with the frameserver

I thought someone else might find this helpful, but if this doesn't belong on this discussion page feel free to move or delete it.

The sample client for encodedv will work for ffmpeg too. The tricky part is setting the correct ffmpeg input format parameters to accept PPM images from the Blender frameserver over a pipe. One must use -vcodec ppm -f image2pipe and manually specify a framerate with -r.

For example, the follwoing encodes a movie with libtheora at a bitrate of 6000 kb/s:

eval `wget ${BLENDER}/info.txt -O - 2>/dev/null |
    while read key val ; do
      echo R_$key=$val  
  while [ $i -le $R_end ] ; do
       wget ${BLENDER}/images/ppm/$i.ppm -O - 2>/dev/null
} | ffmpeg -vcodec ppm -f image2pipe -r $R_rate -i pipe:0 -b 6000k -vcodec libtheora $OUTPUT
wget ${BLENDER}/close.txt -O - 2>/dev/null >/dev/null

--zagaeski 21:14, 19 June 2011 (UTC)