Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Geodesic dome

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2018年6月29日 (金) 04:52時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Geodesic Domes

The old version described here

The addon is at this moment 3-12-2011 to be found in post #1 at


Geodesic Domes was built as addon for Blender < 2.5 by Andy Houston, Meta Androcto. It can build a Tetrahedron, Octahedron and Icosahedron as well as some other standard objects, starting with a Grid, Torus, etc.

Next these objects can be adjusted by changing a lot of parameters, nice to see in action.

Last but not least Faces, Struts and Hubs remain implemented.

  • Faces can modify the faces of 'given' objects in various ways.
  • Struts changes an object using an 'imported' object.
  • Hubs uses two objects to combine them into a strange other one.

In all cases a number of parameters can be used to modify the resulting object.

  • And the possibility to import an object to modify it is still possible.

Most important change

PKHG does not know if a TAB-layout GUI is possible in Blender 2.6

  • A Panel to start the GD-Operator
  • The operator shows its possibilities in the TOOLSHELF.


  • At the right side of the 3DView execute me! is visible, to start the operator
  • In the Toolshelf the Icosahedrons is chosen with EdgeUp and dual clicked.

Special start icosahedron dual.jpg

  • superform parameter type u active and you see the action of clicking dual
  • Remark: a mesh of one point in edit-mode used, to see the mesh good.

Superform dual action.gif