Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Import-Export/WarCraft MDL

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Warcraft MDL Importer

Import WarCraft MDL (.mdl)
This addon allows to import WarCraft MDL model files (.mdl).
UI location File > Import > WarCraft MDL (.mdl)
Version 0.1 Author(s) Thomas 'CruzR' Glamsch
Blender 2.60 (Should work with versions 2.57+ aswell, though not tested yet.) License GPL v2 (or later)
Category Import-Export

Executable information
File name
Python modules string, io, pdb, time

Links https://github.com/CruzR/Blender-MDL

What is this?

This is a Blender 2.6 addon which allows to import from WarCraft MDL model files (.mdl). Because the project is still in its early stages, many features are not done yet. Currently only the import of the very basic geometry works, but I aim to improve the script whenever I can. Future projects might be an exporter and support for the MDX model format (.mdx).

About the file format

WarCraft MDL is a text-based file-format usable with WarCraft III (and maybe also World of WarCraft?). However, most models are shared in MDL's binary sister, MDX. Support for MDX is planned, but will take some time. Therefore, to actually use this addon, you'll first have to convert the model from MDX to MDL. I'd suggest using MDLX Converter or Magos' Model Editor (both work well under wine).

Where to get test files

hiveworkshop.com has a huge WarCraft III model repository. Please note that you'll almost certainly have to convert models you download there from MDX to MDL.