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Documentation of personal Operators / Addons

sharing at https://gitorious.org/blender_addons

Addon - Convenience Operators


Collection of many small Operators to speed some tedious things up

Currently contains:

Consolidate Data (External Files Submenu)

   -> Pack external data, then unpack (method local), make all paths relativ

Reload/Clear all Images (UV Editor Image Menu)

   -> reload all images
      clear image users of unused images (not sure about this one)

Quick Screenshot (Ctrl_Shift_F3)

   -> make screenshot of area and save in //screenshots/
      faster then always using the file save as screen

Batch ObjExport (File -> Export)

   -> export all selected (mesh) objects as individual obj into //obj_export/

Toggle SubSurfVisibility (Search-box)

   -> what it says

Add fitted Lattice (Add Menu - SHIFT A)

   -> tired of moving and scaling lattices?
      this is the answer :)
      positions and scales around object or the selection
      creates vgroup to limit influence

Addon - Mesh Index Display


   Replacement for the Index Visualizer.
   That thing disappeared some time ago.
   Display of Vert/Edge/Face indicies.

Addon - Small Mesh Tools


Collection of small Mesh editing Operators.

Contains only one atm.

Conform Edge Length (CTRL E)

   Equalizes the lengths of all selected edges.
   Works best with selections of edge rings.
   Can be unpredictable with arbitrary selections