Dev talk:Ref/Release Notes/2.63

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2012年4月24日 (火) 10:19時点におけるwiki>Plaragによる版 (Created page with "Just let you know that the build blender-2.63-rc1-OSX_10.5_i386 crashed under OSX 10.5.8: Dyld Error Message: Symbol not found: __ZNKSt9bad_alloc4whatEv Referenced from: /Us...")
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Just let you know that the build blender-2.63-rc1-OSX_10.5_i386 crashed under OSX 10.5.8:

Dyld Error Message:

 Symbol not found: __ZNKSt9bad_alloc4whatEv
 Referenced from: /Users/pedrolara/Downloads/blender-2.63-rc1-OSX_10.5_i386/
 Expected in: /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
