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Convex/concave/tangent/reflex points

A vertex in a polygon can be of three kinds, depending of the value of alpha, the angle made by the polygon at that vertex:

  • alpha < pi: convex vertex
  • alpha = pi: tangential point
  • alpha > pi: reflex point OR concave point

Ear clipping

In a polygon, P, three "consecutive" vertices, vi, vj, vk, form an ear if vi, vk is a diagonal of P. (It's been proved that every simple polygon that is not a triangle has at least two non-overlapping ears.) The ear is clipped by connecting vi and vk with an additional edge.


FIST uses repeated ear clippings to create a triangulation. More on wikipedia.

Earity test

Determining if a triplet of vertices form an ear with respect to a polygon.

Non-simple polygons / degenerate cases

A simple polygon is usually one that doesn't have:

  • self-intersections
  • an edge passing through another vertex
  • zero-length edges
  • edges that partially overlap
  • holes that overlap with the outer boundary


Subdivision is a term borrowed by computer graphics from graph theory.

in graph theory

In general, a subdivision of a graph G is a graph resulting from the subdivision of edges in G. The subdivision of some edge e with endpoints {u,v} yields a graph containing one new vertex w, and with an edge set replacing e by two new edges, {u,w} and {w,v}.

The reverse operation, smoothing out or smoothing a vertex w with regards to the pair of edges (e,f) incident on w, removes both edges containing w and replaces (e,f) with a new edge that connects the other endpoints of the pair. Only 2-valent vertices can be smoothed.

in computer graphics

The wikipedia definition:

A subdivision surface, in the field of 3D computer graphics, is a method of representing a smooth surface via the specification of a coarser piecewise linear polygon mesh. The smooth surface can be calculated from the coarse mesh as the limit of a recursive process of subdividing each polygonal face into smaller faces that better approximate the smooth surface.

Wiki page for more info

Basically, there are a couple of methods of representing

Trapezoidal decomposition


More types of subdivision decomposition on Wikipedia.

Triangulating a 3D polygon

The non-planar (i.e., 3D) cases are handled by choosing an axis to project the 3D polygon onto a convenient plane. FIST, for example, uses a "reliable heuristic for finding a decent plane".

Obviously, this approach may create some inconveniences:

  • co-planar vertices
  • special cases that can create bugs (??)