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About Piotao (Piotr Arłukowicz)

I am one of the involved community members. I'm using Blender for professional teaching at the University of Gdańsk, and Polish-Japanes Technical School of Computer Science. Each year I have more than 120-160 students, which learn Blender in different ways, including 3d graphics and 3d animations. I am also a creator and maintainer of one of the biggest Polish tutorial webpages dedicated to Blender, where everybody can learn Blender for free. Usually there are quite a few studends every day from all over the country. Because this course is full localized, it is known only in Poland, not in the world, but this is OK for me.

[Polski Kurs Blendera] [c] Piotr ArłukowiczBFCT

PL: Polski Kurs Blendera dla wszystkich Polaków, wszystko w języku polskim. Ponad 220 tutoriali na temat programu, z zastosowaniami i przykładami. Wszystko za darmo!

EN: Polish Blender Course for all poles, everything in polish. More than 220 tutorials about Blender, with applications and examples. All this for free!