利用者:Koilz/13.03.03 DS Driver
DS Driver
DS Driver is a Driver Addon im writting for Blender 2.66+.
Atm the basics work, so im adding to it, and making it stable.
Here theres one cube controlling five cubes with ten drivers.
Five drivers control the Location X, five drivers control the scale Y.
DS Driver doesnt use the Blender FCurve Drivers.
1: A Driver reads the space and position of the input_property and output_property with Min Max.
2: A Driver then sets the output_property_position space_relative to the input_property_position.
DS Driver 0.07.05
Atm it supports six Mesh properties.
Input Mesh Location RotationAA Rotation RotationQ Scale ShapeKey Armature //Location //RotationAA //Rotation //RotationQ //Scale //PoseBone //Location //RotationAA //Rotation //RotationQ //Scale // Output Mesh Location RotationAA Rotation RotationQ Scale ShapeKey Armature //Location //RotationAA //Rotation //RotationQ //Scale //PoseBone //Location //RotationAA //Rotation //RotationQ //Scale
Driver names are optional, they dont have to be named, nothing depends on them.
The Property menus adapt to the property.
Object_ID -> Object_Type -> Property_Type -> Property_Type | Property_ID | Property_Setting -> Property.
Min and Max are limited (-100. to 100.0).
All Drivers and properties are saved to the .blend file.
DS Drivers has two handle modes scene_update_post and render_pre.
scene_update_post: editor mode, updates when the scene after it is updated. this will work work on most computers, doesnt matter how many drivers you add, its the app handler that may test your computer.
render_pre: render mode, updates the scene before it is rendered.
add driver driver property.
on off button, clear handlers.
apply to all. [x][y][z] [ all ]
some more ways to edit the Min Max variables.
output property stack.
this is so mutiple drivers can modify the output of one property.
i dont know if this will be useful.
be like 3 cubes location X controlling the location X of one.
have to ADD or MULTIPY the value.
more properties.
python expression.
different type of driver.
if you have an idear, add it to discussion.