Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Import-Export/Quake mdl

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2018年6月29日 (金) 05:53時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Import/Export Quake mdl (idTech2)
Import/Export Quake mdl (idTech2) format
UI location File > Import-Export > Quake MDL
Version 0.7.2 Author(s) Bill Currie (taniwha)
Blender 2.63+ License GPL

Executable information
File name io_mesh_qfmdl/__init__.py, import_mdl.py, qfplist.py, quakepal.py, export_mdl.py, mdl.py, quakenorm.py
Current version download http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/quake/io_mesh_qfmdl-0.7.2.zip
Python modules imp, struct

Warning The 0.7.2 version has a minor problem with UV maps, but that has been fixed in the QuakeForge git repository
Links http://quakeforge.net/, http://quakeforge.net/files.php



This can be used for both importing and exporting Quake (neither Quake 2 nor Quake 3) mdl files. Note that the scale is such that 1 quake unit = 1 blender unit, so models will be very large (the player model is 32x32x56)

To use: (import): select File->Import->Quake MDL and the object will be appended to the scene. (export): select a mesh in the scene, then select File->Export->Quake MDL (.mdl)

When exporting, if no script is selected, then the active UVtex and UVmap will be used for creating a single skin and the UV coordinates. If there is no valid image, then the skin will be 4x4 black. Animations will be exported by grabbing the visible mesh from blender frames 1 to the current frame.

For more control over the export process, a script can be specified in the Object properties QF MDL panel. For details on the script, import any Quake mdl file and check the text editor for the generated script of the same base name (eg, player.mdl -> player)

Mesh faces will be converted to triangles automatically but without affecting the source mesh, so quads and n-gons are not a problem.