利用者:Koilz/22.06.13 wiki - doc Shape Keys

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Shape Keys

Doc Shape Keys Visual.PNG

Shape Keys are used on Objects like Mesh, Curve, Surface, Lattice.
They are used to deform the mesh vertices into a new shape.
They are two types of Shape Keys.
Relative, which are relative to the Basis or selected shape key.
Absolute, which are relative to the previous and next shape key.
Properties, Object Data, Shape Keys.
Doc Shape Keys3.PNG
Set the shape keys to Relative or Absolute.
Name of the Shape Key.
Current Value of the Shape Key (0.0 to 1.0).
This visually disables the shape key in the 3D view.
Add a new shape key to the list.
Remove a shape key from the list.
A menu with some operators.
Shape Key Specials.PNG
Transfer Shape Key
Transfer the active 'Shape Key' from a different object.
Select two objects, the active Shape Key is copied to the active object.
Join as Shapes
Transfer the 'Current Shape' from a different object.
Select two objects, the Shape is copied to the active object.
Mirror Shape Key
If your mesh is nice and symmetrical, you can mirror the shape keys on the X axis.
This doesnt always work the first time.
Doc Shape Keys Mirror.PNG
New Shape From Mix
Add a new shape key with the current deformed shape of the object.
Move shape key up or down in the list.
Show Active
Show the Active/Selected shape key in the 3D View.
Edit Mode
Show the current shape in Edit Mode.

Relative Shape Keys

Doc Shape Keys Relative3.PNG

Relative shape keys deform from a selected shape key.
By default all shape keys deform from the first shape key called the Basis shape key.
They are mainly used as Corrective Shape Keys for limb joints or Facial Animation.
Clear Weights
Set all values to 0.
Name of the shape key.
Value of the shape key.
Min and Max range of the shape key value.
Vertex Group
Limit the shape key deformation to a vertex group.
Select the shape key to deform from.

Absolute Shape Keys

Doc Shape Keys Absolute2.PNG

Absolute shape keys deform from the previous and to the next shape key.
Mainly used to deform the object into different shapes over time.
Reset Timing
Reset the timing for absolute shape keys.
For example, if you have the shape keys, Basis, Key_1, Key_2, in that order.
Reset Timing will loop the shapekeys, and set the shape key frames to +0.1.
Basis 0.1
Key_1 0.2
Key_2 0.3
Evaluation Time will show this as frame*100.0.
Basis 10.0
Key_1 20.0
Key_2 30.0
Name of the shape key.
This controls the interpolation between shape keys.
Doc Shape Keys Interpolation.PNG
Evaluation Time
This is used to control the shape key influence.
For example, if you have the shape keys, Basis, Key_1, Key_2, in that order,and you reset timing.
Basis 10.0
Key_1 20.0
Key_2 30.0
You can control the shape key influence with Evaluation Time.
Here a keyframe has been used to control Evaluation Time for animation.
Doc Shape Keys Evaluation.PNG
Quote 2.66 "Create a delay (in frames) in applying key positions, first vertex goes first."
// As far as i can tell this doesnt anything in 2.6x.
// I think, it used todo delay vertices based on distance from object origin in 2.4x.
// http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.4/Manual/Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys/Editing#Editing_Shape_Properties
// koil.


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Redirectory 2.66

defined		gui property			doc_id					redirect
Object		ShapeKey.name			Object.active_shape_key_index		"Modeling/Objects"
ShapeKey	ShapeKey.value			ShapeKey.value				"Animation/Basic/Deformation/Shape_Keys"
ShapeKey	ShapeKey.mute			ShapeKey.mute				"Animation/Basic/Deformation/Shape_Keys"
Object		shape_key_add			object.shape_key_add			"Modeling/Objects"
Object		shape_key_remove		object.shape_key_remove			"Modeling/Objects"
Object		shape_key_specials		N/A					N/A
Object		shape_key_move: up		object.shape_key_move			"Modeling/Objects"
Object		shape_key_move: down		object.shape_key_move			"Modeling/Objects"
Key		key use relative		Key.use_relative			"Animation/Basic/Deformation/Shape_Keys"
Object		show current shape		Object.show_only_shape_key		"Modeling/Objects"
Object		apply in edit mode		Object.use_shape_key_edit_mode		"Modeling/Objects"
Object		clear weights			object.shape_key_clear			"Modeling/Objects"
ShapeKey	Name of shape key		ShapeKey.name				"Animation/Basic/Deformation/Shape_Keys"
.. There are some more.
Propose change all to "Animation/Basic/Deformation/Shape_Keys" or "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys".

Redirectory for scripts\addons\modules\rna_wiki_reference.py

    # --- Shape Keys: Main ---								# Shape Keys: Main
    ("bpy.types.Object.active_shape_key_index",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys"),	# name
    ("bpy.types.ShapeKey.value",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys"),			# value
    ("bpy.types.ShapeKey.mute",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys"),			# mute
    ("bpy.types.object.shape_key_add",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys"),		# add
    ("bpy.types.object.shape_key_remove",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys"),		# remove
    ("bpy.types.Key.use_relative",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys"),		# relative
    # specials: operator requires doc_id						# specials
    ("bpy.types.object.shape_key_move",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys"),		# move
    ("bpy.types.Object.show_only_shape_key",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys"),	# show active
    ("bpy.types.Object.use_shape_key_edit_mode",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys"),	# edit mode

    # --- Shape Keys: Relative ---									# Shape Keys: Relative
    ("bpy.types.object.shape_key_clear",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys#Relative_Shape_Keys"),	# clear weights
    ("bpy.types.ShapeKey.name",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys"),					# name: main operator
    ("bpy.types.ShapeKey.value",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys"),					# value: main operator
    ("bpy.types.ShapeKey.slider_min",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys#Relative_Shape_Keys"),		# range min
    ("bpy.types.ShapeKey.slider_max.",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys#Relative_Shape_Keys"),	# range max
    ("bpy.types.ShapeKey.vertex_group",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys#Relative_Shape_Keys"),	# vertex group
    ("bpy.types.ShapeKey.relative_key",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys#Relative_Shape_Keys"),	# relative key

    # --- Shape Keys: Absolute ---									# Shape Keys: Absolute
    ("bpy.types.object.shape_key_retime",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys#Absolute_Shape_Keys"),	# reset timing
    ("bpy.types.ShapeKey.name",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys"),					# name: main operator
    ("bpy.types.ShapeKey.interpolation",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys#Absolute_Shape_Keys"),	# interpolation
    ("bpy.types.Key.eval_time",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys#Absolute_Shape_Keys"),		# evaluation time
    ("bpy.types.Key.slurph",  "Animation/Techs/Shape/Shape_Keys#Absolute_Shape_Keys"),			# slurph

25.06.13 Koilz.