Doc:2.6/Manual/Modeling/Meshes/Mesh Analysis

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Text splitted mesh - mesh analysis
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Mesh Analysis

Mesh analysis is useful for displaying attributes of the mesh that may impact certain use cases.

The mesh analysis works in editmode and shows areas with a high value in red, and areas with a low value in blue. Geometry outside the range is displayed grey.

Currently the different modes target 3d-printing as their primary use.



Extrusion 3D printers have a physical limit to the overhang that can be printed, this display mode shows the overhang with angle range and axis selection.



Printers have a limited wall-thickness where very thin areas can't be printed, this test uses ray casting and a distance range to the thickness of the geometry.


Intersecting faces

Another common cause of problems for printing are intersections between surfaces, where the inside/outside of a model can't be reliably detected.

Unlike other display modes, intersections have no variance and are either on or off.


Distorted Faces

Distorted geometry can cause problems since the triangulation of a distorted ngon is undefined.

Distortion is measured by faces which are not flat, with parts of the face pointing in different directions.

Sharp Edges

Sharp edges

Similar to wall-thickness, sharp edges can form shapes that are too thin to be able to print.

Exclamation mark.png
There are some known limitations with mesh analysis
  • Currently only displayed with deform modifiers.
  • For high-poly meshes is slow to use while editing the mesh.