Doc:2.6/Manual/Sequencer/Usage/Proxy Strip Properties Panel

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2013年10月27日 (日) 01:03時点におけるwiki>Ashbygeekによる版 (Added information about the options available in the Proxy/Timecode panel)
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Proxy Strip Properties Panel

A proxy is a smaller image (faster to load) that stands in for the main image. When you Rebuild Proxy and Timecode Indices Blender computes small images (like thumbnails) for the big images which may take quite some time. If animation playback, scrubbing, scrolling, etc have problems such as lags or lots of frame dropping, proxies should be enabled and the sequencer preview should be set to use the appropriate Proxy render size. Render and Render Animation will still use the original, full size footage.

Proxy Custom Directory
Allows the user to store generated proxy files for this strip in a custom directory
Proxy Custom File
Allows the user to select a custom proxy file to use for this strip
Percentage of original resolution to render proxy to.
Build JPEG quality
The quality of each jpeg frame in this motion jpeg proxy file
The timecode method to use for seeking through the strip. "Basically, timecode makes frame search faster and more accurate." User:Nazg-gul/ProxyAndTimecode
- No TC in use - No timecontrol in use
- Record Run - Use images in the order as they are recorded
- Record Run No Gaps - Like record run, but ignore timecode, changes in framerate or dropouts
- Free Run - Use global timestamp written by recording device
- Free Run (rec date) - Interpolate a global timestamp using the record date and time written by recording device
To Enable Proxy Usage
In order to actually use the proxies, the proper "Proxy Render Size" dropdown value must be selected in the Properties panel of the Sequencer View (where the edit plays back).
To Build Proxy Data
After enabling proxy/timecode information you must manually start a rebuild function. To do this: Select the strips for which you wish to add proxies. Click on Strip » Rebuild Proxy and Timecode Indices. This may take some time to complete, as it is transcoding and scaling the entirety of the selected strips. The proxy information will not be available until this process completes, though this may be fixed in future.
to do

 Get more specific information about blender's use of timecodes. For example, what exactly is different between using No TC and Record Run No Gaps