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2016年11月2日 (水) 11:38時点におけるwiki>Eibrielによる版 (Adding Automated Bug Classification link)
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Automated Bug Classification



Blender Libraries

sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev


sudo apt-get install imagemagick
sudo apt-get install sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv

Activating virtual environment

. /shared/software/brender/venv/bin/activate

Running Worker

cd /shared/software/brender/brender/worker/
python manager.py runserver

Compiling Blender in the Studio

xubuntu 14.10

sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libjpeg-dev libpng12-dev libfreetype6-dev python3-dev libfftw3-dev libopenimageio-dev libglew-dev libboost1.55-all-dev libopenexr-dev

Acording whit Blender Wiki

sudo apt-get install sudo apt-get install git build-essential libxi-dev libsndfile1-dev libopenexr-dev libopenjpeg-dev libpng12-dev libjpeg-dev libopenal-dev libalut-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libsdl-dev libfreetype6-dev libavdevice-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libavcodec-dev libswscale-dev libx264-dev libxvidcore-dev libmp3lame-dev libspnav-dev

In Studio BAM Setup

sudo nano /etc/hosts


192.168.3x.14x    biserver
sudo pip install requests
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools
sudo easy_install3 pip
sudo pip install virtualenv
virtualenv bam
. bam/bin/activate
sudo ln -s /shared/bin/bam /usr/bin/bam
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/bam
bam init email@email.com@http://biserver:5000/gooseberry gooseberry-bam


The Behind scenes of Kiribati production


Kiribati is a animated feature length, made in San Luis Argentina. The studio behind the film is Ideas Fijas, which began using proprietary software, and switch to Blender some years ago. And fell in love with it.

The Production

The production is spliced in several areas:


  • Search for money for the movie
  • Make sure the money is going to last
  • Organize the tasks for other areas


  • Film directors
  • And writers
  • Storyboard
  • Editor


  • Conceptualize things
  • Model
  • Texturize
  • Shade
  • Rig


  • Assemble the shots
  • Make the final camera movement
  • Setup Stereo


  • Animate

Lightning & Composition

  • Light
  • Compo


  • Make all work
  • Ensure the files are ready to pass from one area to another
  • Render

The Workflow

In a technical point of view:

  • Based on Open Movies structure
  • Local and Remote artists work in the same way
  • For a middle size studio (30 artists)
  • Using SVN as version control system
  • Using TACTIC as task manager
  • Using Wiki as document manager
  • Only one .blend file per shot
  • The same file moving from Layout to Animation to Lightning to Compo
  • Linked assets
  • Rigid stable structure, to minimize errors
  • IRC as communication channel

File Management

We use [SVN http://subversion.tigris.org/] for file versioning, on Windows we use TortoiseSVN, on Linux we use KdeSVN, on OSX command line.


  • Tracking versions
  • Ensure the working linked files


  • Don't work for edition stage with Premiere(Premiere touch media files!!!)
  • Don't work for big files (Concept art)
  • Don't have global ignores (.gitignore)

Task Management

We use [TACTIC http://www.southpawtech.com/tactic/features/] for task management.


  • Powerful, with many features
  • Stable


  • Too many features, with some bugs and glitches
  • UI is not pulished

One file to rule them all

For the shot scene 0250_010_tree on the scene 0250_forest the file /pro/scene/0250_forest/0250_010_tree.blend is generated

  • 0250 = 25
  • 0020 = 2
  • 0025 = 2.5

This empty file have the following characteristics:

  • Frame range start at 100 (to keep a margin)
  • Render size set to 2k (or desired resolution)
  • Render engine set to Cycles
  • Default Camera, Cube and Lamp deleted
  • A text Block with QA details:
- Ready for layout: No
- Ready for animation: No
- Ready for lightning: No
- Ready for render: No
- Ready for compo: No

Layout Preparation
- Load Characters: No
- Load Set: No
- Load Props: No

Animation Preparation:
- Check lost libraries: No
- Check frame range: No
- Send data to TACTIC: No
- Delete waste elements: No
- Delete orphan Actions (unfake, save, load fake): No
- Add prefixes lay_ cam_ cam_rig_: No
- Load Characters: No
- Load Set: No
- Load Sets: No
- Block Layers: No
- Load audio: No
  • Cycles Background
  • Render Samples
  • Stamp (Time, Camera, Date, Lens, Frame, Note on)
  • Output settings
  • Relative output file