利用者:Gregzaal/addon ideas

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< 利用者:Gregzaal
2015年9月12日 (土) 17:26時点におけるwiki>Gregzaalによる版
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Addon Ideas

Shinkwrap in Edit Mode

This'd be a hack:

  • Make a temporary vertex group out of the selection
  • Jump to Object mode
  • Add a Shinkwrap modifier
  • Edit modifier accordingly using selected object (would only work if there is one other selected object)
  • Apply modifier
  • Delete temporary vertex group
  • Jump back to edit mode
  • Select the same verts.

Advanced Timelapse

Use a "Control Cursor" to move the camera slowly towards it.

Rotate to face the normal of the surface closest to that point.

User sets move speed

Idle animation is what? Rotate around?

Interactive Vertex Merging

Hold 'M', click+drag to merge two vertices.

Tap 'M' to merge at center.

Double Tap 'M' to merge at last. (?)

Bake Vertex Groups

Bake vertex groups to images

Convert vert groups to vert colours

Convert images back to vertex groups

Multiple User Preferences

Possibly online

Also allow switching startup blend, recent files and bookmarks

Add Knots

Have a set of pre-modelled knots, then allow you to replace a CV in edit mode with one of those knots

Possibly have an 'Add Rope' operator in object mode with pre-modelled rope objects... but this could be a separate model pack or something, not really too related to a knot addon.

Zipper Generator (Zipperator?)

Allow generating a zipper (open/closed/both) from a selected edge or curve.

Rain Generator

Generate rain drops in a certain area, as well as collision splashes

Cursor Snapping

Alt-LMB will place the 3D Cursor at the nearest element (either vert/edge/face), and if you hold it in it highlights the target element and lets you drag around until you've chosen what you want.

Technically this should be easy to implement: Ray cast to find point on surface under mouse, make a list of the distances between that point and each component, do 'min(distances)' to get the closest point.


Fork Asset Sketcher, appropriate it for only creating rivets. E.g.

  • Remove the "only add to upward-facing surfaces" thing
  • Make brush size = 0 (place exactly where you click)
  • Smooth mouse path so it's easier to draw neat curves
  • Option to mirror across axis (so you don't have to place rivets on both sides)
  • ...

Render Proxies

At render time, switch from low-poly proxy objects to the full detail version. Use pre- and post-render handlers, and allow user to switch manually too (for specific object, or for all objects).

Eventually have it support full character proxies (like Lee uses), so animators can animate with the proxy character, and the full-detail character will be rendered.

Quick Masks

In the compositor, allow the user to quickly draw a freehand shape over the backdrop, and create a mask from this, adding the node automatically.