Dev:Ref/Proposals/UI/Tooltips Display control

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2013年11月19日 (火) 11:08時点におけるwiki>Samblerによる版 (Tooltips display control)
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Allowing control over tooltips display.

Many users don't need to see tooltips and with blender utilising focus follows mouse means that tooltips can often obscure an area of the UI that we are focusing on, but at times they can be useful - for example seeing the python paths, or when using an area that we aren't familiar with.

An idea that started with is to enable a way to control when tooltips are displayed.

The solution I came up with allows users to disable tooltips, yet on the occasions that they would like to see a tooltip, they can hold down the Alt key then move the mouse over an item to have the tooltip displayed. This makes no change to tooltips being enabled, it only allows conditional display when tooltips are disabled.

The patch I submitted for this is small, it alters one line of code and adds four lines plus one #define