Dev:Ref/Release Notes/2.76/Add-ons

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2018年6月29日 (金) 06:14時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Blender 2.76: Add-ons


  • Import: Added option to not import custom normals (rBAdb79c2aa5eed).
  • Export: Added option to not force export keyframe at start/end of action (requested in T45438), rBAb7567791a19f).
  • Export: Added support for relative shape keys based on non-Basis relative shape keys (requested in T45875), rBAcc70ce71171).
  • IO: Reworked UI in a tab-like way (rBA068ca0a5f619).


  • IO: Added full support for (standard extension) MTL emission of material (so far only map_ke was supported by exporter, rBA94c9c4ee3370)).

Copy and Paste UV

This Add-on is not available in the 2.76 release itself. It can be tested in the buildbot builds though.

Python API


This exposes a BVH-tree data structures, allowing Python developers to perform raytracing, search nearest point on surface of a mesh, and overlap 2 meshes.

Geometry can be initialized from existing Blender data or created entirely from Python.

Concave ngons are automatically handled (as with meshes in Blender).



  • RNA: Object.shape_key_remove method (87629b2).
  • RNA: Add update method for properties (rB54daeb185f).
  • UI: option to pass “icon_value” to menus (bc69eaf).
  • UI: Add icon scale argument for ui-template-previews (rB0119539e4b).