利用者:Jaggz/Accessibility Features

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2018年6月29日 (金) 06:15時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Accessibility Features


Many people with disabilities turn to Blender, whether it is for work, a creative outlet, or other pursuits. While it is on the one hand kind to consider their needs, there is also the return -- that their fine attention to specific details of Blender's UI can serve to improve the interface for everyone. Additionally, there is overlap in their needs and the requirements of modern interfaces such as touchscreens, on-screen keyboards (OSK's), visual/motion recognition systems, or other technologies. It is accepted that Blender requires investment in learning; however, some capabilities are literally impossible to access without the standard mouse+physical keyboard.

The aim of this topic is to bring some attention to this aspect of Blender's use, and to possibly develop an add-on for accessibility features to meet their needs. It is further desired that some features be implemented in Blender's core interface, specifically where it is appropriate and helpful to a significant population of Blender users, where it is not detrimental or obstructive to Blender's "normal" use, or otherwise as determined appropriate by developer consensus.

Specific Areas of Attention

  1. Making available features which are impossible to access without a full physical keyboard
  2. Mouse-only use of the computer (perhaps at least with an OSK)
  3. Touchscreen only displays (also probably with an OSK)

Specific Example(s) of "Impossible" Features

  1. Circle Select's radius has no slider or settable value outside of a scroll-wheel or a physical keyboard (in my tests): The on-screen keyboard (MS Windows, ShapeWriter, etc.) is unable to perform the function due to the nature of Blender's requirement of mouse focus during selection. Multiple developers have recommended a slider be available in Blender core for all users, which also allows a finer-setting of the radius value.
  2. Proportional mode's radius could also benefit from a slider: At present it can be adjusted after the operation but, nevertheless, the setting resets to 1.0 for future operations.