利用者:Tianwei37/Report & Blog/Week 2

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2018年6月29日 (金) 06:17時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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What I did:

  • organize correspondence: add several utility functions and data structures. A complete correspondence data structure is still in development, until I figure out what’s needed in the back end.
  • add 'solve multi-view' operator and implement it. I separate the function of ‘solve single camera’ and ‘solve multi-camera’ for now. This allows me to do the multi-view reconstruction code without interfering the original solve-camera code. After I finish this function. I will integrate the multi-view reconstruction with the single-view reconstruction.
  • watch TrackMatchBlend and get a full picture of the tracking system. (I thought TrackMatchBlend is an episode and introduction, while it is actually a series of videos, great tutorials!)

What I will do next week:

  • I thought I could finish a basic multi-view reconstruction operator this week. But it turned out that it involves a great deal of changes to the original codebase. So I will continue the work of multi-view reconstruction.
  • look into the UI side and consider making a separate mode for specifying correspondences.