利用者:Tianwei37/Report & Blog/Week 8

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2016年7月16日 (土) 00:19時点におけるwiki>Tianwei37による版 (Created page with "== What I did this week: == * Add keyframe selection in multi-view mode. With keyframe selection and witness camera support, the re-projection error can be as low as 0.3 pixels f...")
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What I did this week:

  • Add keyframe selection in multi-view mode. With keyframe selection and witness camera support, the re-projection error can be as low as 0.3 pixels for the tested video clips. Although re-projection error is not a authentic metric for reconstruction accuracy, it sort of shows the performance of the solver.
  • Add new color theme for linked tracks and selected linked tracks. If tracks across clips get linked, they are shown in a different color from normal tracks.
  • Discuss the correspondence UI issue with my mentor. We are agreed on making a separate mode for specifying correspondences across clips. Potential benefits of this independent mode in space clip includes: (quoted from Sergey)
- remove hacks of searching for another clip across the whole window 
- you can show only options and buttons which are relevant to correspondence mode (link/unlink tracks) 
- you can visualize with a parenting line what track corresponds to what
- for both clips you'll know where to get list correspondences from
  • Work on the UI icon stuff and reading docs about adding icon. Add a new icon for correspondence mode.
  • Start the UI work of multi-view reconstruction. It is focused no the correspondence mode in space clip.

What I will do next week:

  • The primary goal for the next few weeks is to make a decent UI for correspondence and multi-view reconstruction. I will start by drawing a double-clip view side by side in movie clip editor. The correspondence mode will be simple and solely focused for specifying correspondences.
  • A secondary goal is to gather bug reports and user experience from artists about the multi-view solver. So a series of bug fixes and improvements will be done in parallel.