利用者:Tianwei37/Report & Blog/Week 12

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2016年8月12日 (金) 22:26時点におけるwiki>Tianwei37による版 (Created page with "== What I did this week: == * Following the work of last week, I have made the witness camera shown correctly. Users can use the 'secondary clip open' button to achieve this, whi...")
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What I did this week:

  • Following the work of last week, I have made the witness camera shown correctly. Users can use the 'secondary clip open' button to achieve this, which is in turn in the ‘correspondence’ mode of MovieEditor.
  • Did some code refactor work to de-duplicate witness clip drawing code. The drawing code use just the main clip drawing code, with a flag (bool) in RegionSpaceClip to control which clip pointer should be used (‘clip' pointer or ‘secondary_clip' pointer)
  • Revise correspondence solve button because we no longer iterate over all views.
  • Complete save/load (writefile.c and readfile.c) code for region data and secondary clips. Do versioning code for RegionSpaceClip, which solves the problem that dopesheet and graph (which are also two kinds of MovieEditors) cannot be opened.

The basic functionality of this multi-view reconstruction should work now. With the following limitations need to be solved, which I have discussed with my mentor: 1. Multi-view solver should be combined with single-view solver, leaving users with only one option. 2. There is an assertion bug related to transform.c code. 3. The multi-view solver can only work with two views for now. But this should be easy to fix. 4. There is a known bug related to saving/loading of correspondences, which needs further investigations. 5. Need to get witness cameras into the Scene. Now we only have one camera in the scene.

What I will do next week:

  • Next week marks the end of GSoC 2016. Cheers to all students (including me) who have made it to the end, and thank all mentors, especially my mentor Sergey, for your great helps! I will first finish with the assessment work, documentations, etc. related to GSoC.
  • As I mentioned above, there are still some issues left to be solved. I will fix them as much as can next week. I will also invite artists (maybe on blenderartists.org, any other suggestions?) to test my branch when the pipeline is stable. I have done that once when the basic functioning multi-view solver is done. Thanks for the helps from artists but at that time the UI part is not done. With the new correspondence UI, it will be fun to test this new function. I also plan to make a video showing the pipeline.