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2018年6月29日 (金) 06:22時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Efficient VIM-Like Time-saving Features


For those unfamiliar with the Vim editor, it has various keyboard features offering efficient and convenient power. One of those inspiring this idea, for Blender, is the use of letters (or numbers) as registers or identifiers for stored settings. For example:

  • m[letter]: Stores the current cursor location (the line) as the letter [letter]
  • '[letter]: Jumps back to the line stored at [letter]
  • "[letter]y: Copies selection into one of many buffers, identified by [letter]
  • "[Capital-Letter]y: Appends selection to buffer identified by lowercase-[letter]
  • "[letter]p: Pastes contents of buffer [letter] into editor
  • q[letter]: Begins recording a macro, stored as text in [letter]'ed buffer
  • @[letter]: Plays back a stored macro.
  • etc.

Potential Use in Blender

Examples use " as the global trigger for the VIM features. Examples use z as the letter-named register.

Storing Settings

  • Mouse over a field
  • "yz Stores field and value in letter z
  • "Yz APPENDS field and value to those stored at z
  • "rz (global) Restore field and value which were stored at z

Such a feature would allow quick setting of fields, multiple fields, and various values, to switch between them easily.

Example: Toggle an object's Textured/Wire maximum drawtype:

  1. Set object's max drawtype to Textured
  2. Mouse over field
  3. Hit "yt (stored at 't')
  4. Set object's max drawtype to Wire
  5. Hit "yw (stored at 'w')
  6. "Yt (global): Switches that object to Textured
  7. "Yw (global): Switches that object to Wire
  8. Set object to X-ray
  9. Hit "yT ('t' now stores Textured AND X-Ray)
  10. "Yt (global): Set's object to Textured and X-Ray
  11. etc.

Storing Viewpoints

Setting a camera for views, then selecting different cameras and switching to them, just to look from that perspective, is not as convenient as:

  • Look from some above -- some "top" angle -- down at scene, perhaps in perspective mode
  • "vt Viewpoint stored at letter t (t being an arbitrary user-chosen mnemonic for "top"). Viewpoint and perspective/ortho both stored.
  • Look from some side angle for modeling
  • Change to Ortho
  • "vs View stored at s (for "side")
  • "Vt Jumps to their sort of top-down view
  • "Vs Jumps to their sideways view, in Ortho

Summary / Other Examples

  • "s[a-z]: Stores 3d cursor at letter'ed register
  • "S[a-z]: Restores cursor to stored position
  • "v[a-z]: Stores view and ortho/perspective
  • "V[a-z]: Jumps to stored viewpoint
  • "y[a-z]: Stores field and value as chosen letter
  • "y[A-Z]: Appends to fields and values stored at lowercase letter register
  • "Y[a-z]: Restores field(s) and value(s)