Dev:2.8/ui/keymap technical

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2018年6月29日 (金) 06:23時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Keymap Functionality and Revamp


The goal is to introduce a greatly simplified, revamped keymap in Blender 2.8, while keeping the existing 2.7x keymap as an option so as to not force existing users to change. This new keymap is targeted at new users and those wanting to start with a cleaner, more reasonable default.

However, before this can happen there are some flaws and design issues that need to be addressed first. These issues greatly inhibit a user's ability to customize or build their own keymaps. The issues should get resolved in Blender 2.8.

Current Issues

Below are some of the most important issues that need to be addressed.

Poor Conflict Detection

If a user create two keymap items with the same shortcut within the same (or related) context then this conflict is not presented. Instead whichever item matches first is triggered upon the shortcut being pressed.

The user should be clearly notified when a conflict is created, or even prevented from ever creating a conflict.

Hard Coded Keymaps

Many operators, particularly modals, still have hard-coded shortcuts. This should never happen. All operator inputs (including modal) should go through the keymap. Otherwise it's impossible to properly create new keymaps.

Additionally, some modals that do have keymaps, such as the Knife mesh tool, don't update their info display during the modal. Regardless of what the keys are set to. The info callout is hard coded.

Operators with hard-coded keymaps that need resolved:


  • Circle / Box select


  • Extrude axis toggle with MMB
  • Vertex/Edge Slide with GG

Modal Keymaps

Necessary Targets

  • Per workspace keymaps
  • Separate keymaps per input device (mouse, tablet, ndof)