利用者:Raa/Addons/Pie Menu Editor/Editors/Property

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2018年6月29日 (金) 06:24時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Property Editor

The editor allows you to register new Properties without coding.

Supported Property Types

  • BoolProperty
  • IntProperty
  • FloatProperty
  • StringProperty
  • EnumProperty
  • Vector properties


Storing Values

By default PME stores property values in Add-on Preferences. If you want to store some custom data in .blend files you need to assign the property to some type.

For example, if you assign MyProperty to Object type, the data will be stored in .blend files for each object in the scene:

Pme prop storing.png

Now you can use MyProperty like any other Object`s property:

C.object.MyProperty = True


Pme prop funcs.png


To get the value of the Property by its name use props() function:

value = props("MyProperty")
value = props().MyProperty

To set the value use:

props("MyProperty", value)
props().MyProperty = value

Custom tab usage example:

L.prop(props(), "MyBoolProperty", slot, icon='COLOR_GREEN' if props("MyBoolProperty") else 'COLOR_RED')



Pme prop slider.png

Color Widget

Pme prop color.png

Direction Widget

Pme prop direction.png

Icon-Only Tab Bar

Pme prop tabbar.png

Directory Path

Pme prop path.png